La Tramontane - Ferienhaus direkt am Meer
Title: Reiner Knizia's The Confrontation
Genre: Strategy
Offworld Games, LLC
Offworld Games, LLC
Release Date: 21 Sep, 2015
A very solid implementation of Knizia's excellent, classic strategy game, LOTR: The Confrontation. As a huge LOTR nerd, I did not miss the theme as much as I thought I would - the quality of the game transcends the theme. This adaptation takes the already-minimal fiddily-ness of the the board game and removes the need to manage them yourself. For the card management and interactions between different character abilities, this is especially handy.
And it has cross-platform online multiplayer! Always a huge plus.
Buy this game, and then message me for a game.. This game was originally a Lord of the Rings game and still has the feel of the theme (and I mean that in the best possible way) ... but, now, it's a "group of fellows' nobly trying to get a "Prince" (call him, I don't know, Fodor) to the heart of the enemy and bring about his "doom".
But, seriously, it DOES have a heroic feel to it: the villains are powerful, your fellows will nobly sacrifice themselves, and you can almost hear their dying gasps as they struggle to buy Frodo^H^H^H^H^H the Prince a precious path to creep toward victory.
Highly recommended time waster, especially if you like LOTR and can make the illegal substitutions in your head :). I would recommend this game if you have a rival friend and need a new game to settle the score.
This game is very very deep and fun.
Tactical strategy board game.
Perfect to ruin your friends mood on anygiven day.
No need to buy the expansion at first, try out the base game before going anyfurther.
. I love it , Great price , fun strategy game. Well done.. No it's not a review. It's a WARNING!
Damn I can't even win the "how to play". If you're a sucker for punishment ... just buy the game already.. Great board game conversion.
It has a Stratego style set up, but is much deeper with each piece having it's own powers and a numerical strength, piece placement is very important during board set up. You can see your opponents piece placement, but not what those pieces actually are.
Battles play out on a diamond shaped board with sixteen territories, your pieces can only move forward with some pieces and board spaces having powers that can allow exceptions to this. When you move into a territory with an opponent present, your opponents piece is revealed and a battle begins. Your strength and your opponents strength and power are revealed. You then play an additional card from your hand prior to the battle and then you and your opponent reveal cards simultaneously. Cards can generally only be used once and are not replenished until they have all been used. Your piece strength, special powers and the card you played determine the outcome. Get your Prince to the home territory of the shadow forces to win, or if your'e playing shadow forces, get three of your pieces to the light side home or kill the prince for the win.
Great game. Well implemented. I love seeing these great board games making their way to steam.
Mulitplayer games play out in real time (no async) and the game does have an integrated chat box.
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