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A plug-in for the popular Avast Free Antivirus software that turns the Avast online scanner into a centralized monitoring tool that allows you to record and track your web visits in the process.
KEYMACRO is a stand-alone plug-in. It is installed as a separate program and the user can launch it at any time in the background by clicking on an icon (on Windows systems, a tray icon also pops up).
You can assign individual detection zones, with a default zone for everyday surfing, and add new zones (used for very sensitive websites) if you wish.
The plug-in allows the user to enable or disable monitoring for every zone and every website at will, and it also allows a user to set the zone for auto detection or to never detect at all.
Zones can be deactivated and the last detected visit in that zone can be saved to a log file, as can the user profile and the detection report.
The plug-in can work together with KeyMacro Manager, which allows you to set up multiple users and assign key macros to every user, and the macros can be automatically launched by KeyMacro.
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keymacro keymacro is a stand-alone plug-in that turns the avast online scanner into a centralized monitoring tool that allows you to record and track your web visits in the process.
keymacro is a stand-alone plug-in that works in conjunction with KeyMacro Manager. It allows you to assign key macros to users and to assign a set of key macros to a specific zone (domain, etc.).
keymacro can work with avast keys, avast passwords and avast notes.
keymacro has the following features:
-Assign a set of key macros to every zone, avast password or avast note.
-Monitor every zone and add an entry to the detection report for every visit.
-Record visited web pages (website, domain, keywords, URL, referrer, user agent, etc.).
-Record visited files (PDF, image files, EXE, DLL, etc.).
-Record visited files in every zone (websites, domain, keywords, URL, referrer, user agent, etc.).
-Monitor every zone and assign every detection to a profile. 45cee15e9a

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Keymacro is a port of the system keyboard macro recorder. It can record sequences of keystrokes in the form of a shell script. For example, if you want to print out 'Hello, World' using only the keyboard, you can do this using a shell script with the following contents.
print "Hello, World!"
For simplicity, Keymacro can only record a keystroke sequence for one time. However, a program can restart the macro by pressing [ESC].[ENTER]. This will show the End Of Macro message.
Keymacro can record keystroke sequences that can not be performed through the terminal. For example, if you want to use a calculator application on your computer, you can perform the keystroke sequence '2+2' with Keymacro.
Before installation, you need to download and run the setup program. This will automatically download and install the program. It will also show the End Of Macro message.
When the setup program is closed, it is possible to press [ESC] and then enter 'keymacro -f setup.cfg' to perform a rebuild of the installed program. This will create an executable called 'keymacro.exe' in the folder where you downloaded the setup program. It is possible to start the program using this file.
Since this is a very early version, you can find the help and usage information in the online help in the program folder. You can also consult the reference and manual at the project website.
For more information, please visit:
Default language:
The software and settings which are stored in the program files are automatically saved in your default language.
Menu Language:
You can select and use the language of the menu and the text of the application.
You can change the language settings of the software and the menu.
You can change the display of the keywords and the identifiers.
Default language:
The language used for the English comments in the source code, and in the error messages is set automatically.
Menu Language:
You can change the language of the menus, error messages, code, etc.
You can select a language for the source code, the comments, and other sections.
Code Style:
You can change the setting of the source code,


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