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RC Mini Racers Crack Serial Key

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About This Game

RC Mini Racers is a fast paced and explosive racing game with 20+ remote controlled mini cars, lots of missiles and mines, turbos for an extra boost as well as great hard rock music. More than 20 cars can be unlocked within the game and the car pimp shop lets you customize you RC car by changing the color, the wheels and the antenna.

The game features 24 tracks separated in circuit races (round tracks with 5 laps) and sprint races (A to B races, no rules, as fast as possible). Beside that there’s a coin racing mode where you can explore the level and collect coins for the in-game store.

RC Mini Racers has a great mixture of tracks where you need your weapons to win the race by shooting and bombing your opponents from the track but also fantastic high speed tracks where it is mostly down to great driving skills to win the race. Find out yourself which tracks you like most!

For nearly every action during a race you get in-game cash rewarded. You get cash for crashing other cars, explosions caused by missiles and mines that affect other cars, for jumping over epic ramps and getting airtime cash, for driving best laps and best race times as well as for winning the top spot ranks in a race. Use that in-game cash to unlock other tracks or convert them to coins for use in the car pimp shop.

All tracks can be raced in 4 difficulty modes ranging from easy to medium over to hard and finally the insane mode. Hours of fun guaranteed until you unlocked all tracks in all difficulty modes in all scenarios!

RC Mini Racers runs in any native resolution your PC or Mac offers – in windowed and fullscreen mode. Graphics settings can be adjusted and tweaked in detail to let the game run perfectly on your machine. Joypads and Joysticks as well as the keyboard can be used to control your car.

Still reading? What are you waiting for? Get the game and start your engine! b4d347fde0

Title: RC Mini Racers
Genre: Action, Indie, Racing
Release Date: 16 Jul, 2015


Had some fun, it is a good game for anyone looking for a race!. This game might look♥♥♥♥♥♥ But the lap races are actually pretty awesome. Revolt type Rc Racer game that pretty much nails the fun of which it is aiming to emulate ... recommended for those with $5 bucks to spare. The physics are far superior on this game to Revolt , the physics are its main selling point.. Wow, I finally have a game on linux that doesn't have the steamos icon on the store page NEAT!. this game was amazing
. I bought this only for the nostalgia factor, and I can't believe I wasted so much time on it when I was 7.

Good time waster.. Great Game, got it on 2 computers and my iPad.
Unfortunately it doesn't work on my mac with 10.8.2.

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