La Tramontane - Ferienhaus direkt am Meer
Title: Pajama Sam's Sock Works
Genre: Casual
Humongous Entertainment
Humongous Entertainment, Nightdive Studios
Release Date: 1 Jan, 1999
My First Ever PC game. Got it for nostalgia'a sake.. Soundtrack- World's Best Elevator Music 10\/10
Gameplay- Those socks never stop coming 10\/10
Characters- Pajama Sam- Enough Said 10\/10
Overall- 10\/10 damn it
Really, though. I played this game when I was young, and I couldn't believe it was on Steam. Brings back a lot of good memories. If you live with kids or have kids of your own, Pajama Sam and pretty much anything else from Humongous is a pretty good time waster, and honestly this stuff is probably really good for the brain, too haha.
Pajama Sam for Life. Moving socks in boxes?
10\/10. 10\/10 would pick up socks again. Socks are fine. My\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665does not work correctly. If your parents didn't buy you this when you were a child, they never really loved you.. AMAZING game
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