La Tramontane - Ferienhaus direkt am Meer
Title: Overdosed - A Trip To Hell
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie
Lazy Games Studio Ltd
Lazy Games Studio Ltd
Release Date: 23 May, 2016
overdosed a trip to hell
boring and the music was a real disappointment. Overdosed - A Trip To Hell Brings a lot of fun for a short time! Buy it in Stem-Sale!!!. Overdosed is a very fast paced game with a unique theme that helps to make it even more entertaining. It's got two game modes that you can sink a lot of time into perfecting, and the price is on-point. Lots of entertainment for only $7! See my full review here: Overdosed is a very fast paced game with a unique theme that helps to make it even more entertaining. It's got two game modes that you can sink a lot of time into perfecting, and the price is on-point.. Really fun looking forward to his development!. low enemy variety, good gun play, terrible speed and bullet sponge enemies, drug references for no reason (thought it would be comical but it's quite stale, like an after thought) some of which are useful to get out of a situation where the enemies on screen become too many and pin you in a corner. Overall it's the visuals and noise, gameplay is tight but just is meh all around. Was hoping for an SAS4 replacement, still looking. This just isn't worth more than 3 bucks if that. If on sale, go for it, fun, but not really. I wish steam had a meh button.
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