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One Night Stand Free Download [pack]

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About This Game

After a night of fun, passion, and one too many drinks, you wake up the next morning to find a complete stranger lying naked beside you in bed. What do you do?

In One Night Stand, explore the unknown bedroom and seek out clues to identify who the stranger is and what happened to bring you both together.

You may resort to some unusual methods to find the answers you’re looking for, but take care not to prod and pry too much – a nosy guest quickly becomes an unwanted one!

Will you stay and explore your relationship with this stranger, or will you escape when the opportunity presents itself? With 12 unique endings to discover, can you keep up the act long enough to find out what really happened?


•Life-like rotoscope animations
•Hand-drawn artwork
•An interactive story where your choices matter
•12 different endings that reveal new insights into what really happened
•Point-and-click investigations
•An original soundtrack
•Available on Windows, Mac and Linux
•Playable in English, French, German, Russian, Brazilian Portuguese and Simplified Chinese a09c17d780

Title: One Night Stand
Genre: Casual, Indie, Simulation
Release Date: 7 Nov, 2016

English,Russian,French,German,Simplified Chinese

Simple, fun, and slightly addictive trying to go through different game options to get different outcomes.

Major Update: v1.1 - Patch Notes:

New Additions. Minor Update: v1.01 - Patch Notes:
Minor Update: v1.01 - 3rd December 2017. Minor Update: v1.19 - Patch Notes:
General improvements, implementations & fixes. Minor Update: v1.18 - Patch Notes:
v1.18 will be rolling out later today (18/04) and will include the following changes. Mostly made up of quality of life changes that I felt were necessary to the future of Inertia.

General improvements, implementations & fixes. The Annex Collection - Coming Soon:
The Annex Collection - 3rd October 2017. Minor Update: v1.03 - Patch Notes:
Minor Update: v1.03 - 12th December 2017. Minor/Hotfix Update: v0.72 - Patch Notes:
Minor/Hotfix: v0.72 - 7th October 2017. The 'Creator' and Steam Workshop:
Over the next week or two, you may notice (or have already noticed) a few small differences around the Steam page(s) of Inertia.

First and foremost the Workshop is now public for Inertia, ahead of v0.9, which implements a level creation tool known as the 'Creator' as well as Steam Workshop support. There will be a guide published before the patch goes live which goes over how to use the Creator and how to upload your levels to Steam Workshop directly from Inertia.

You may have also noticed that there are a couple of new hidden achievements, they are achievements for v0.9, however I decided to push them live early to ensure they work as intended.

Assuming all goes well, the update should release on the 4th December 2017.

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