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Nug (f. 1972) är graffitimålaren som blev känd för allmänheten då han visade videon ”Territorial pissing” på Konstfacks vårutställning 2008. I videon sprejar en maskerad person en...
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6/12/2019 · Noun [].
nug (plural nugs) A piece of marijuana2006, Jason King, The Cannabible 3, p. 25: A deep inhalation of a fresh ground-up
nug leaves you with a giant smile and a tingly nose. A chicken nugget2012, Mike Lacher, On the Bro'd: A Parody of Jack Kerouac’s On the Road (page 71) A lotta times I grabbed bags of frozen chicken nuggets to take home. “You know what they say,” Ricky would be l
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X - Embroidered Sticker Nug epub Hynek Pallas Nug Nedlasting para el ipad n. 1. A high quality bud of marijuana. 2. The Dank. 3. See ganja.
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