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Nomads Of The Fallen Star Crack Activation

Nomads Of The Fallen Star Crack Activation

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About This Game

Set on a distant uncharted & hostile planet, where descendants of a crashed colony ship endure the harsh wasteland while hoping for salvation.

However, decades have passed without contact from the fleet and skirmishes between different factions over limited resources have escalated.

A full blown war of conquest looms on the horizon that could risk humanity's fragile existence on this harsh new world.

As the chaos approaches, you take the role as the leader of a rag-tag bunch of scavengers / mercenaries. Your goal is to scavenge, trade, sabotage, hunt, fight and help conquer your way to fame and glory.

Along the journey, you will meet allies that will join in the struggle to survive the wasteland, and perhaps together, you can unravel the mystery on the origins of the colony and change the fate of all those who call this barren world home.


  • A world where your choices matters as the factions try to survive and wage wars of conquest.

  • A highly dynamic economic simulation ensures not only your actions carry consequences and present new opportunities, but also the actions of various NPCs.

  • Competitive gameplay that involves other free roaming NPC scavengers that fulfill the same role as the player. They can trade, scavenge resources, take on missions, and fight hostile raiders or xenos. Competition can be fierce, so beware!

  • Mercenary contracts that carry consequences. Be it clearing raiders for a faction to help their economy grow, or sabotage their enemy's outposts to cripple their war capability.

  • Recruit and equip your squad with many different weapons, each providing a unique balance and tactical options. Train their combat skills as they gain levels, and specialize them further with a selection of many perks.

  • Hunt the xenobeasts on this hostile world and use their skin, carapace, and organs in crafting useful items and armor.

  • A sandbox that is also character & story-driven, with an sci-fi story themed on loss, duty and personal responsibility, along with side-quests and random encounters.

Title: Nomads of the Fallen Star
Genre: Indie, RPG, Simulation, Strategy
Huy Phan
Huy Phan
Release Date: 30 Jan, 2019


I am having quite a bit of fun.. This game is awful.

Honestly, it is one of the most luck based games I seen in my life, the idea of playing this in ironman mode is unthinkable, any encounter, and I mean ANY ENCOUNTER can be deadly for the first 10 hours you play it, not to mention the absurd low amount of time you have to do the missions, even after you complete it, if you don't return to the city in time the mission fails and you loose reputation, and it's not a little, if you fail a SINGLE mission because of the ridiculous low amount of time you have to do them, you loose the equivalent of 5-6 successful missions, so if you fail one single mission due to RNG you just wasted 2-3 hours of gameplay.

But wait, you did kill the raiders? yes, but that does not matter, I was 5 minutes too late.

And how do you get better gear? only unlockable by gaining reputation.

Armor in the game is borderline useless, it's practically a consumable on the melee character, it breaks in 1-2 hits.

You also can't hire other mercenaries until your renown is high enough, but to get renown you need to do missions that are completely RNG.

Combat is also determined almost always by who is lucky enough to land the first hit, even if you move your units in a way that you will be the one to deal the first hit, if you miss, it's usually game-over.

I do not recommend this game AT ALL, I love this genre, but this game is absurdly poorly balanced. Decided to buy this game because of the love put into it. And the developer's backstory of how this game came into being.. I'm sorry but have to say that it is not a good game. The interface is uncomfortable and poorly made. And whole design feels mediocre at best.. I thought it was going to be like Battle Brothers. Horribly painfully wrong.. Excellent tactical Sandbox. Challenging, tough and rewarding. Game has a lot of depth. Highly recommend.. It Is a great little game and the Dev seems active. Would recommend if you like these sort of games!. Fun game with many features - grid turn based combat, crafting, skill system, perk system, trading, reputation with different factions, questing to get the next upgrade, varied weapons and items, group management ( food/water/salary/positioning/item durability ). Great game, Combat is well done, the crafting sistem is neat. if you liked battle brothers imagine it with an RPG twist, sci fi background and trading and scavenging all made by one hell of a developer, well thats it.
. I don't know why another reviewer said that the writing was decent. It isn't. It's some of the worst writing I've come across in a paid title, in fact. The narrator switches tenses constantly, the characters do things that make no sense, and you can't customize your party. You're expected to put up with really annoying characters for the whole game.

I've seen better writing spat out from Google translate. If writing matters at all to you in a game, give this one a pass. It's horrendous.

Update #2: UI tweaks and bugfix:

* When mouse-over trade, raider, or xeno mission icons next to outposts, it factors in the location of the screen your mouse cursor is at, so the tooltip will be presented in the screen area that you can see clearly.


* Fixed the VIP escort contract to have a correct destination target.
* Fixed a rare loot bug when you click on some items causing it to duplicate.

If you have some quality of life suggestions, I welcome feedback on the discussion forum.

Thanks for the support!

-Huy. Update #11: Trade mission log & bribing militia warbands:
Patch notes:

- The communications log for trade missions also displays the quantity of tradegoods that the town or outpost seeks.

- Fixed a dialog bug when attempting to bribe hostile faction militia warbands.

- The faction militia warbands have learnt to demand fraction-based bribes instead of a flat amount.

As always, thank you for the support. If you enjoy the game, please leave a review to help me able to remain a gamedev.

I plan to make a grand Heroes of Might & Magic 3 inspired dynamic open-world game as my next project, and I know I'm going to bite off more than I can chew, but I'll have fun doing it.

Have a good week!

-Huy. Update #3: UI improvements & bugfix:
Thanks for your feedback, I'll try my best to improve the game where possible from your suggestions.


* New combat UI, to make it clearer the Hitpoints and Action Points of each unit, without relying on mouse-over for the details. Hopefully you find the new design both informative and not too cluttered.

* Increase the max zoom out limit to see a larger area of the world. You can use it in combination with camera panning (Shift) to find distant locations.


* Fixed the data-crystal delivery contract mission (the choices now work).

* Fixed instance of 0 tradegoods in the loot tables available for looting.

* Potential fix for OS timing issues with menus for Windows 8.1, please note I don't officially support other Windows version besides 10 due to lack of testing machines.


I am currently working on making the text/font larger to accommodate more players. However, due to my use of spritefonts and a lot of font-size dependency for the UI size & positioning, it will take me a few days to make sure I don't break anything in the process.

Thanks for supporting me, if you enjoy the game please leave a review. It matters a huge deal for small-fry solo-devs like me.

-Huy. Update #14: Balance change & bugfix:
Patch Notes (version 1.07.5):

- Lowered the crafted armor optimal level for all recipes. The intent is to make armor crafting more attractive and viable compared to high tier armors from the factions.

- Lowered Lamellar Armor damage resistance from 40% to 35% (damage threshold/absorb remains unchanged), it was previously too good for the common availability with stats similar to more advanced synthetic Combat Armor.

- Fixed a bug with the Perk "Quickfeet", it should now correctly trigger +2 AP on movement once per turn.

Thanks for playing and supporting my gamedev journey!

Have a good week,

-Huy. Update #5: UI improvements, larger fonts, game balancing:
I've been burning the midnight oil trying to get this update with the UI changes ready for the weekend. Apologies for missing it by a day.

Patch notes:

- Added an option to have larger UI, tooltip & dialog font. You can select it in the title menu's Options. I tested it on my small notebook and it's much better!

- Improved the Squad Management UI, it is now less cluttered and more functional with the stats and combat skills separate.

- Made the mission waypoints larger and improved it's visibility on the map.

- Squad & NPC talking heads also have a background talk-box to improve clarity.

- NPC communications as you travel has a clearer font and a background talk-box to improve clarity.

- NPC communications text slow down the fadeout if players are on 2x speed.

- Added the ability to use healing items outside of combat, while on the world map to speed up hitpoint regeneration. Mouse-over the hitpoints bar for further information. Get Iona busy crafting those chems!

- Resource nodes can now spawn within range of the player's vision. Previously, it would only spawn in the fog-of-war. This should provide more nodes in the late-game when there are many NPC Scavengers roaming and competing, clearing most of the nodes before the player has a chance. Yes, NPC scavengers steal your resources so take them out when you see a weak gang!

- NPC Scavengers will not prioritize scavenging spaceship wreckage resource nodes when you progress to a story mission that requires those resources.

- Increase space wreckage resource node spawn chance % slightly

- The squad recruits will alert if supplies or ammunition is running low, and Iona will offer a tip on how to break open a box of trade-quality Munitions (S) or (L) for the squad to stock up on usable ammo.

- The description of the tradegoods Munitions (S) and (L) have been changed to clearly indicate it's a box of ammo that needs to be opened for the squad to use in combat.

- Expanded the tooltip within outposts & towns (the faction's flag) to indicate the importance of the economy, and added the export/import info.

- Changed most NPC hand-gunners to wear light armor, they will have 8 AP and be more of a threat, while relying on their evasion & shield for defense.

- Changed the description for Adrenal and Psycho items to clearly indicate they boost AP.

- Fixed a rare OS timer-related bug which causes delays in menus or glitches on Windows 8.

The changes to the UI and especially font-size involved many menus and dialogs, if you spot an error please let me know on the bug report forums. Also, due to lots of changes, if you see any weird glitches post-update, please verify the file integrity (right-click on game -> properties).

I will remain open to feedback and suggestions to improve the game within my capability. Seeing you guys enjoy the game makes it all worth it and I am very grateful for the support.

-Huy. Update #8: Auto-pause on worldmap and a tweak to DC faction standing:
Just a small one today based on player feedback.

Patch notes:

- Added option to enable auto-pause when entering the worldmap from town or battle. You can toggle it on (default is off) in the Options menu.

- Doing the Merchant Guild patrol missions and escorting caravans will also increase standing with Derelict City up to neutral. This should help those who found themselves on the bad side of DC and unable to enter to recruit a squad member.

Thanks for the support and have a good week!

-Huy. Release day! A foreword from the solo-developer.:
G'day to my fellow gamers,

Like many of you, I have probably spent way too much time gaming when I was younger instead of focusing on my study. Fortunately, I somehow managed to graduate university, and got a career as a research scientist[halfgeek.blog].

However, years later, I kept on hearing that voice in my mind, a reminder of missed opportunities to chase my younger self's dream of being a game developer. I didn't want to reach middle-age as a miserable old man...

So I did it, I didn't know anything about coding, but I quit my career in research to chase that elusive dream. I started with tiny games to learn to code and progressed further as I learnt more.

A few years later and a few games wiser, today, my biggest project which has occupied nearly the last 3 years of my life is releasing on Steam.

If I could describe what Nomads of the Fallen Star is briefly, it is an intelligent economic simulation that creates emergent gameplay opportunities for the player.

Your decisions matter. It will affect the gameworld, as factions wage war to conquer territory, as the colonists and merchants roam & work the wasteland to survive... you will be there among them, how central a role you want to play is up to you.

The story (main and side) is personal. It's themes are duty and personal responsibility and I hope many of you manage to reach the end. I look forward to hearing your thoughts and feedback, as well as any bug reports (hopefully not too many!) you may find in your play.

I hope the game will be well received, if it manages to sell I can continue this gamedev journey towards greater games in the future. If it bombs, let it be an example, for anything worthwhile in life is hard.



ps. If you're a content creator or curator on Steam and interested in reviewing this title, feel free to contact me on twitter (@AH_Phan) or email.. Patch Notes (v1.08) & Misc Updates:
Changes in v1.08:

* The slider when buying tradegoods has been changed to be less fiddly, it's now more precise for smaller amounts.

* NPC scavengers when they have a bounty hunt contract vs player squad will now accept smaller bribes.

Misc notes from the developer:

I've ported the game over to mobiles, both iOS & Android recently, making the UI & text more suitable for smaller displays and touch interface.

Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=Halfgeek

iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/developer/anh-huy-phan/id896041754

Future game project:

I had two game in mind that I wanted to work on moving forward, a fantasy open world with empire building inspired by Heroes of Might & Magic (3), or a new sci-fi space epic focused on large fleets & empire building.

I've always loved space theme and sci-fi more than fantasy, but I hesitated to go down that route for the next game due to the many titles in this genre. Games like Star Sector and Stellar Tactics where its a one-man dev effort have raised the bar so high that I was afraid I had no chance to come close.

But after much thought, and recalling why I became a gamedev in the first place, I decided to go back to my favorite genre: space. To travel among the stars as a nobody, to eventually becoming the leader of an empire and deciding the fate of the galaxy is too big a calling to ignore. :)

With this game, I want to capture the dynamism and economic depth from Eve Online (I was an avid player back then in its early days), where player factions would wage war on each other, driven by the economic engine of resource gathering, shipping and production. Combat will be an expanded Star Nomad 2 style, real-time with tactical pause, with a focus on mixed fleet and space carrier warfare.

While I may never reach the same level as those talented one-man devs out there, I will try my best to not disappoint gamers who also love this genre.

Finally, I want to thank all of you guys for your support on this gamedev journey.

-Huy. Update #6: Some more improvements based on player feedback:
Just a small one today...

Patch notes:

- The squad now can have a small speed bonus if they are carrying below 50% of their max carry weight.

- Added to the squad's tooltip (flag) the current world-map travel speed. This is affected by your encumbrance.

- Medium armor has been re-balanced to not have the 1 AP penalty. It felt too restricting for the upgrade path from Light -> Medium. It still retains the speed and evasion penalty to balance against Light armor. Heavy armor remains the most protective, at a cost to AP and hence, offensive power.

- Added to the armor tooltip the AP penalty of the armor.

- Fixed a bug that prevented DC Militia squads from leveling up as they roam and fight gaining XP.

- Fixed a bug when players attack a wounded squad on the map (from a prior fight), their Hitpoints can be too low.

- Fixed some typos.

- Platesteel & Advance Combat Helm now repairs to 100% durability

- Bone armor has the correct 6 STR requirement

Have a great weekend everyone and thank you for the support!


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