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About This Game

MUTAZIONE is an adventure game where the juicy personal drama is just as important as the high-stakes 'adventure' part of the story. It draws on the ensemble cast format of storytelling in favourite television shows such as Twin Peaks, Deep Space Nine, Grey's Anatomy, and Lost.

Over 100 years ago a great meteor named ‘Moon Dragon’ struck a tropical holiday resort. Most of the inhabitants perished but those who didn’t remained in the mutating environment and founded the small community of Mutazione.

Fast-forward to modern day, where you play as the protagonist Kai as she travels to this strange and secretive community to visit her ailing grandfather, Nonno. Explore the village, plant musical gardens, choose who you want to talk to, and find your way through an in-game week of small-town drama and scenic hangouts.

As you nurse your grandfather back to health, you make new friends, discover old betrayals, unravel long-kept secrets, and embark on a final spiritual journey to try to save everyone from the mysterious darkness at the heart of it all...


  • Explore a lush, hand-illustrated world
  • Meet an ensemble cast of loveable mutant characters
  • Play through the story’s dramatic twists and turns
  • Plant gardens to customise your own relaxing musical soundscape

Title: Mutazione
Genre: Adventure
Die Gute Fabrik
Die Gute Fabrik ApS
Release Date: 2019


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