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Monsters Of Kanji Download For Pc [key Serial Number]

Monsters Of Kanji Download For Pc [key Serial Number]

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About This Game

BE WARNED: This is no real learning software. If you want a professional guide to the japanese language, look somewhere else.

Instead, this is a journey. Most of all, a journey of imagination. And that imagination COULD lead to learning a lot of stuff.


Marty's world is full of dangerous creatures. They might look like certain kanji. They might reflect the components of certain kanji. But seeing those reflections and putting them together will be left to the player. You will get the most out of it, if you have already begun learning japanese.

In it's core, MONSTERS OF KANJI is a simple oldschool RPG.
It tells the story of MARTY's journey into the unknown and it represents my personal journey of learning japanese.

Here's how you make it your own:
Grab a pen, grab a notebook and start scribbling down everything you see. Make simple maps and put down notes whenever you discover new words, kanji or anything interesting about this wonderful language.

- 20+ hours of oldschool RPG gameplay
- 1 huge world map with over 100 locations
- 6 characters to level up
- over 15 dangerous bosses
- more than 100 MONSTERS OF KANJI
- over 80 hidden MEMORY DISCS that tell the story of the strange world MARTY lives in
- 40 sidequests
- CARA the crow helps you learn another 100 kanji with the help of her signs
- 1900 words to collect and memorize
- the ANCIENT ARCHIVE provides a chance to review every monster, kanji and word that you have discovered

also part of the adventure: chilling mechanicals sloths, safety-focused robot-owls, a mysterious villain and a giant whale with grammar in his belly.

There's even more, but I wouldn't want to spoil the surprises.
Let me just say that cozy times are about to end... 7aa9394dea

Title: Monsters of Kanji
Genre: RPG
Release Date: 14 Jun, 2019


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