La Tramontane - Ferienhaus direkt am Meer
Title: Monster Monpiece - Deluxe Pack
Genre: Strategy
Idea Factory International
Release Date: 14 Mar, 2017
I really wish I could recommend this, Monster Monpiece being such a brilliant game. However there is a fairly major problem. The art books are ok I guess, but the main draw here is, naturally, the soundtrack. If you've played the game then you know that music is REALLY good. And if you've so much as watched a trailer then you'll know that the opening theme song is AMAZING.
The soundtrack you get here does not include the full version of the theme song. It doesn't even give you the tv size version used in the game. It's a different edit entirely, being the 2nd half of the song rather than the first.
I could perhaps forgive the total lack of any artist information in the tags had it at least included the full version. I mean, technically speaking I COULDN'T do that, because it's a glaring and obvious oversight. There's not even any track numbers. But I may have let it slide as I really like the theme song.
As it stands I had to track down a CD release on ebay for a not inconsiderable amount of money, then spend an hour online trying to ge
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