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Maryland school district replacing diesel school buses with electric

PHOTO: Maryland's Montgomery County Public Schools has announced a contract to replace its diesel buses with electric ones.

Maryland's Montgomery County Public Schools announced a contract to replace its diesel buses with electric ones, starting with 326 electric buses over the next four years. It marks the single largest purchase of electric school buses in North America, according to the release announcing the deal.

The county school board, which is located northwest of Washington, D.C., and operates more than 200 schools,  ยิงปลายังไงให้แตก  approved the deal with Highland Electric Transportation, a Massachusetts-based start-up that delivers electric school buses to school districts.

Although this contract only replaces about a quarter of the entire 1,400 bus fleet, the contract could be extended to replace the entire fleet, according to Todd Watkins, the Transportation Director for Montgomery County Public Schools.

MORE: Biden says he will replace the entire federal fleet with electric vehicles.
"The reason we picked four years instead of the entire contract is that the whole school bus industry thinks that prices on electric vehicles are going to be going down significantly as we saw with Tesla," Watkins told ABC News Radio.

Watkins said the district got several proposals but ultimately went with Highland Electric because they provided everything they wanted as part of the contract.

Seitenaufrufe: 2


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