La Tramontane - Ferienhaus direkt am Meer
Title: Mad Sector
Genre: Action
Release Date: 14 Jul, 2017
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I saw this in my library, no idea how I came to owning it (as is the case with half of the games I own) but noticed it looked like a DOOM clone so gave it a shot.
With DOOM being so popular even today, it's had a plethora of source ports that aim to make it more friendly by todays standards, primarily the controls. So after playing 10 minutes, I quit to see if there was a source port for this, maybe it's running off id Tech and I can just play it through GZDoom. But no. This came out last year and somehow has worse controls than any FPS I've ever played.
DOOM's original controls, with no source port modifications, controlled just fine, even with just a keyboard. They were smooth and reliable. This isn't. Whether you use mouselook or not, it feels like the game is fighting against you in trying to control it, not something you want from a fast paced classic style FPS.
It feels like there is some sort of negative acceleration going on here. With a Logitech G502 at 800DPI, the turning feels unreliable, sometimes moving as you'd expect but other times jerking horribly, made worse by the contant stuttery feeling when you try to look while strafing. Turning down the DPI only exemplifies this. Moving slowly has the game move as normal but try to move at a "normal" speed and your turn by a smidge.
I'm okay with playing classic FPS's on just a keyboard however, using the arrow keys to aim. You only have 1 axis so left and right are perfectly acceptable...normally. The sensitivity on the keys are way too high, meaning minute movements aren't possible, and since the opening section requires sharp turns along corridors, prompted by a part where you have to enter several small doorways, the game is pracitically unplayable.
The theme looks cool and I generally enjoy most DOOM clones I play, but this controls so poorly I couldn't make it past 10 minutes.
And the maps inversed.. Nice little retro-style shooter.
You progress through levels by finding a key and bringing it somewhere else, usually on the other side of the map. You get to shoot a lot of monsters on the way. There's a nice variety of weapons.
This game is nothing deep or revolutional, but it's fun for a few hours.. an enjoyable game that was made with love.. This game has soul. The music is absolutely incredible and the gameplay isn't that bad, just needs a mouse fix and this game would be a great gem. Worth more then 99 cents that's for sure. Some people complain about the first level but I thought it was a neat and different way to start things out.
Great Job!. I was really looking forward to trying this out, but the game is broken for me, i can't fire the gun and enemies do no damage, leaving me unable to even progress pass sector 2.
Edit: I have no idea what changed but after going back and trying it again it seems to be working as intended, and has been quite enjoyable so far.. This game has soul. The music is absolutely incredible and the gameplay isn't that bad, just needs a mouse fix and this game would be a great gem. Worth more then 99 cents that's for sure. Some people complain about the first level but I thought it was a neat and different way to start things out.
Great Job!. I got pretty frustrated six minutes in, then I asked for a refund. The start of the game is some sort of a stupid maze, where you have to go by each door to open some sort of portal, that presumable takes you to another section.
The opening sequence is comparable to getting 50 shoeboxes. In one of them is a ticket to that music festival you love. The other 49 boxes are filled with dog excrement. You're going to find the ticket eventually, but there's no effort or challenge in doing so, other that not vomiting from the smell of dog excrement.
If the start of Mad Sector is humdrum already, it doesn't convince me that the rest is going to be enjoyable.
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