La Tramontane - Ferienhaus direkt am Meer
Title: Lost Cities
Genre: Casual, Indie, Strategy
BlueLine Games
BlueLine Games
Release Date: 19 May, 2018
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Yes, I enjoyed this. Plays just like the card Game, The AI makes a few strange moves and although I have not played all the different ones available I have won the game by a rather large margin. Think the AI needs to be a bit stonger. Not many playing Online at the moment and so there is no-one around to give a challenging game. Hopefully this should improve as more people purchase the game. So, Yes, very good but needs to be bit tougher in order to make the game really exciting. Update. Seem to be having problems playing an online game. Message read "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" and then the game crashes. Pity really because I was looking for some good online players. Obviously needs a little more work to fix this bug.. Really good game and great to play with friends, but it still has a lot of issues the developer needs to fix. 1. I have played with a friend and won all three games, and had highest overall score, yet he got the win in his stats. 2. The game often glitches and I end up with 9 or 10 cards in my hand. 3. We have had games where in our stats, we both got the win, even though clearly one of us had lost by a large margin. 4. Local multiplayer doesn't work, and instead requires both people to be using the same PC, which is just the same as pass and play. 5. When playing the bots, the scores seem to 'swap'. So for example, I won game 1 with a score of +30, and the bot had -4. After game 2, the scores had switches, so the bot had +30 for game 1, and I had the score of -4. The list of issues I keep finding are piling up. These all seem like basic things that should have been noted in testing. I have unfortunately had to change my recommendation to not recommended, because of them. If these can be fixed, I would highly recommend this game.. Plays just like the card game. Only negative thing is if you are playing hot seat there is no way to NOT see your opponents hand. It also doesn't allow you to change the other card holder to a different ID so in effect for names you are playing yourself. Fix that and i'd be happy to give it a thumbs up.. Lost Cities is one of the great warmup games available. It's fairly quick, exciting, and at times nail biting. It's one of our old favorites from Knizia. This is a complete and total reproduction of the card game. True to form and very very well done! Totally worth your purchase.. Lost Cities is one of the great warmup games available. It's fairly quick, exciting, and at times nail biting. It's one of our old favorites from Knizia. This is a complete and total reproduction of the card game. True to form and very very well done! Totally worth your purchase.. Just like the boardgame, EXCEPT THAT SCOREKEEPING IS BROKEN in the Mac version. Alas, it's a fatal flaw -- it gives you the same score every time, no matter what your actual score is! It's pretty weird that this major bug escaped their notice. Obviously it makes the game unplayable. That's a pity, because the mechanics are good.. I have enjoyed playing the card version of this game and hoped to enjoy it electronically, too. Although there are a number of frustrating elements, the deal breaker is that it keeps swapping points: when it goes to total up the points at the end of the game, it swaps my points with the computer's! From a just frustration perspective, there are some odd design decisions: 1. card in hand are unsorted (and unsortable as far as I can tell) making it more difficult to easily see what's available 2. why put opponent's cards upside down (as if there was a person sitting there?). 3. haven't figured out a way to look back at the cards after the round has been scored. Would be nice to check them I was going to encourage friends to buy it so that we could play across distance, but I'm not about to give the company more money after seeing how poorly this was done. Lost Cities is a great card game. this program is not. Would not recommend until these issues have been patched.
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