La Tramontane - Ferienhaus direkt am Meer
Title: Lorenzo il Magnifico
Genre: Strategy
Studio Clangore
Cranio Creations Digital
Release Date: Aug 2019
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Update 1.3.2 (bug fixes and colors) : Here's what's new in the 1.3.2 update (and the 1.3.1 hotfix from last week): Added 9 new color palettes to unlock! Fixed a bug where color palettes weren't resetting properly when resuming a "Play While Waiting" game. On the final round of a set public games, emotes will now continue networking up until one team chooses "Find Next Game". Previously they stopped much earlier. When bringing multiple local players into an online game, each local player's emotes now get networked individually.. Minor update 1.4.5 : Hold on - there's a new update and it's not the big 1.5 update? What gives?! Well, the upcoming 1.5 update has gotten even bigger (more on that in the near future) and I want to get some of the new additions tested out behind the scenes. Thats where this new build comes in! INVERSUS is now tracking skill in public versus battles and awarding (or deducting) Rank Points in the process. The goal is to have ranked multiplayer support front and center in game, but before I can do that I want to evaluate how well Ive tuned all the settings. If you want to try it out, you can actually check your rating on the web right now on this leaderboard ! I should also mention that if you need help finding a match, the community Discord group [] is a great place to meet active players.. New versus, arcade and lobby features! (update 1.4.0) : Today's update adds improvements across all parts of the game. There are new game settings to customize your versus matches, new challenges for your arcade games, and a better lobby experience for your online games! So what is new in versus mode? I've added some new settings that let you customize the rules. These are available in local games and private online games. Public online matches always play by the standard rule set. First up, you can change how much ammo players get. This has a large impact on the pacing and risk/reward of taking a shot. The second new option adjusts what types of pickups can spawn on a map. You can either turn pickups off completely or make them random per round. With random pickups, you'll find all sorts of new surprising encounters! How about arcade mode? Your performance on maps is now rated with a three star system. Each map has set goals in the solo and cooperative modes. Earning stars unlocks more maps and lets you brag to your friends. If you've already unlocked arcade maps with the old system, don't worry. Your existing unlocks will remain intact regardless of how many stars you have. What's new with online lobbies? Previously, INVERSUS had the "Play Arcade While Waiting" feature in public lobbies. This was a big hit but there was room for improvement. You could only play solo arcade mode which was great for most cases, but not great for when you had a friend over and wanted to search for some 2v2 games as a team. With INVERSUS 1.4, you can now play any of the local game modes from any public lobby! This includes 1v1, 2v2 and coop arcade! For a video demo of the bigger items, click right here . For all the little details, see below! Primary Updates Local and private versus games have new options for tweaking the game rules. These can be found under the options button when selecting players for the game. Change the number of shots each player gets (between 2 and 6) Change which pickups spawn on the map (standard, random, or disabled) The setting for points needed to win the match has also been moved to this menu. When starting a local game, there is a new menu for choosing which controllers control which ships. The old "game options" menu and the "clear high scores" option have been removed. A new "clear save data" menu can be found under options instead. When a pickup is spawning, you can see which type of pickup it is. No longer do the spawn animations always look like a circle. Arcade maps feature a three star rating system based on score. Arcade maps are now unlocked with total stars acquired instead of a cumulative score from the prior map. Note that if you already had an arcade map unlocked, it will remain unlocked regardless of meeting the necessary star requirements. When in a lobby, the "play arcade while waiting" option has been replaced with "start local game while wating" and players can now play local games in any game mode. Play 1v1 with a friend on the couch while waiting together in a team lobby! When returning to the lobby from a "play while waiting" game, players can now decide to start a new game or resume the old game. Previously, the old game was always resumed. The arcade map "Free" has been tuned to start off slightly slower and spawn less ranged enemies. Go beat those high scores! Minor Updates The first few maps in the basic tutorial have been adjusted to feature a single player instead of two players. Added nine new emotes to unlock. The menu indicator for new unlocks is now a diamond instead of a star. Drop down menus now play audio when navigating the items. Fixed a bug where the multiplier display in arcade games could remain blinking due to a mispredicted death in online play. It is now easier to see unselected emote icons in the customize menu.. 1.1.2 Patch - Improved Public Matchmaking : This patch is all about making it easier for you to find games online! Primary Updates Public matchmaking will periodically search for lobbies to better match players that were left in partially filled lobbies after prior matches. Public matchmaking will search for matches from farther geographical distances if it is not finding any local games. Minor Updates Fixed a bug where the arcade score could briefly show as non-zero at the start of certain networked co-op games. Fixed a bug where a "Play Arcade While Waiting" game could be reset at unintended times.. INVERSUS is heading online! : I'm happy to announce that online multiplayer will be up and running at launch! With public matchmaking and private lobbies, you can compete against remote friends or the world at large any time of day. You can also team up in two-player online arcade mode. Join a friend and fight your way to the top of the leaderboards.
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