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LOOP: A Tranquil Puzzle Game Keygen Online

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About This Game

LOOP is a tranquil puzzle game, with a unique, simple, meditative feel.

Now includes a level generator with a possible 1 BILLION levels.

Complete each level by swapping the hexagon pieces until all the lines link up, revealing the final pattern.

Later levels introduce spinning pieces and colour changing pieces also!

Inspired by Zen philosophy, the minimal UI has no timers, move limit or score; allowing you to just relax and focus.

Includes 100 Levels and a colour blind mode. 6d5b4406ea

Title: LOOP: A Tranquil Puzzle Game
Genre: Casual, Indie
John Cullen
John Cullen
Release Date: 22 May, 2015


UPDATE: It has Proceedural Generation now - 1,000,000,000 puzzles now.

Original Review:

Simple puzzle game of finding loops - It only has 100 puzzles so be warned.

(Is a sort of game which should have procedural designs - since the mathematics are sound for it.). A very nice puzzle game, lasting for a few hours. Fun puzzles that can get quite intricate, but not impossible to solve with (some help of) methodical approach. No timers, no move counts, and relaxing BGM make the boards feel a lot less like a challenge.

Sadly, there are only 100 boards, with very limited variety of twists to boot. Nonetheless, good puzzle game, would recommend.. WOW - my little grey cells are burning.... this is a deceptively difficult game, contrary to what it may seem on the surface. It gets challenging very quickly so if you feel the need to hone your wits, this is a great place to do so. No timer, no pressure - just you versus the LOOP.... highly recommended to those who appreciate a good puzzle..

For more puzzle game reviews, news and everything puzzle-related, follow Puzzle Lovers<\/a> and check out our Steam group<\/a>.<\/blockquote>
the title and the screenshots speak for themselves: you have to create loops of different colors by switching pieces around. later on you get fixed but rotatable pieces and later still more fixed ones that you can change the color of. there are 100 regular levels and a level generator for nearly endless fun if you so desire.

I found the difficulty of the 100 levels just right, not too easy but not tear-out-my-hair difficult, you can figure them out eventually, though puzzle progress is not saved if you leave a level. you can do them in any order though, all of them are unlocked from the get-go.

the music's ok too but I thought the sound effects were a bit annoying. adding ambient rain sounds to the background was a neat idea though and there are separate volume sliders for all three. the only technical shortcoming on windows is that saves are stored in the registry instead of a separate file.

loop is a simple but cool idea very well executed, it's highly recommended for puzzle fans.. Bought it during the Steam summer sale and it is a very gratifying game. I like puzzle games, but do not consider myself very good that them. This game is not that difficult and that's what I was looking for.. I played it for 2 hours straight. Then, after quitting it, my first words were: "damn, I was supposed to clean the house".

Great idea with slightly quirky execution (sometimes I misclick the...

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