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Killers And Thieves Crack Exe

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About This Game

Take the city then take your revenge in Killers and Thieves, the guildmaster adventure from the co-creator of the Banner Saga series.

You are the unseen master of a thieves’ guild in the medieval city of Greypool, taking ragged street rats and forging them into master criminals.

Assemble and train a team of unique burglars, thieves and cutthroats then send them on daring heists across a sprawling city. Select your team carefully - do you want the agile catburglar, the master lockpicker, or the deadly cutthroat? You can’t always take everyone you need, and the city is full of surprises that will force you to redraw your carefully-laid plans at a moment’s notice.

You decide the degree of risk: you could play it safe, but great riches await those bold enough to chase them—but then, so does the hangman’s noose.

  • You are the guildmaster. Send your ragged crew out on daring heists to stake out targets, steal precious things, and even perform assassinations.
  • Think on your feet. Meticulously-planned operations may fall into chaos as surprising emergent events come together in new and unexpected ways.

  • Play your way. Follow a compelling series of story-driven missions, and employ your own initiative to identify high-value targets in a living open world.
  • Keep the gold flowing. Wages must be paid, so make sure the money keeps rolling in. If the coffers are empty when payday comes, there could be trouble.
  • Manage your thieves. Recruit worthless street rats and forge them into master criminals, but remember the risks: even your best might not come home again.

  • An ugly world made beautiful. The sprawling city of Greypool and its seedy residents are brought to life with stunning art and animation inspired by medieval artworks.
  • An acclaimed team. Killers and Thieves was created by Alex Thomas, co-creator of the acclaimed Banner Saga series, and a team of award-winning industry professionals.

Killers and Thieves is the creation of Alex Thomas, co-founder of Stoic and Creative Director on The Banner Saga. He created this thieving adventure as an independent project, and it is being published by the Stoic team. Inspired by the question “What if you ran an entire thieves guild?” Alex has collaborated with a team of talented industry professionals to breathe life into a cruel, dangerous world. b4d347fde0

Title: Killers and Thieves
Genre: Action, Indie, RPG, Simulation, Strategy
Alex Thomas
Release Date: 23 May, 2017


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If you look at any reviews for this game, you'll get the impression that it's a neat idea and there might be a great game in there somewhere, but it's not ready yet. That about sums it up. I love Stoic and I'm excited whenever they put something out, but pass on this one for now. If there is an update that fixes some of the control issues, namely
1) the ability to que up actions while paused,
2) the ability to move the camera while paused,
3) the ability to cycle through selected characters easier (maybe binding them to 1,2,3, and 4?),
4) the ability to at least rebind controls,
then I would pay $20 for this again, maybe more.. Enjoying the game. Reminds me of some books I read.. You can read this review with screenshots at: http://www.supchucks.com/2017/06/01/game-review-killers-and-thieves...

The first thing you’ll notice about Alex Thomas’ Killers and Thieves is the eye-catching art style. At least, that’s what drew me in initially. That and the premise of the game. In this game, you manage a guild of thieves and take your team of swindlers on heists around the various boroughs that make up the medieval city of Greypool.

Thomas is the lone developer behind the game. Previously, he helped co-create The Banner Saga. The Viking-themed RPG has been entertaining fans since its release in 2014. While Killers and Thieves might be a self-admitted side project, I have a feeling this game will build a similar size fanbase. It’s just fun to play and looks great.

The majority of the game revolves around Heists. Story Heists might require specific thieves from the storyline or thieves with an important skill. However, for the most part, you can Heist any location on the map and send your team of four thieves into the streets to burgle and loot. To find the best places to go on Heist missions, be sure to stake out the homes of the rich first. The more stacks of gold on the map, the better loot you can find in nearby buildings.

Throughout your gameplay, you’ll embark on story missions when you’re not staking out and heisting other locations. A few of the key story missions include stylized cinematics that harkens back to another thieving game that holds a special place in my heart, Thief: The Dark Project. I’m not sure if the style and themes are an obvious homage to that game. Either way, it fills me with a little bit of nostalgia. The main characters of the game, Key and Candle, are trying to cement their legacy in this city of thieves. Of course, that legacy depends on your skills at the game.

The key to a successful Heist is strategically crafting the most well-rounded team. You’ll need a thief who can pick locks, one who can scout ahead, and another who can get their hands dirty when guards stumble upon what you’re up to. Successfully managing your team and learning to use them all together smoothly will result in fruitful Heists and a thriving thieves guild.

After a successful Heist, you’ll have plenty of new items to sell back to the very citizens you stole them from. The ol’ five finger discount they say. When you scout out the various boroughs of Greypool shops will pop up that specialize in the different item types. Weapons, liquor, jewelry, clothing, and all the finest items you swipe. Shakedown a store that specializes in clothing and you can use the shop to fence your clothing loot, and so on for the other categories. However, make sure to manage your various shops wisely. Each store has a weekly upkeep price that chips away at your coffers of gold. You’ll need that gold to pay your thieves and keep them happy.

Perhaps the most important aspect of managing the Guild in Killers and Thieves is training your team of thieves in their specialized skills. The three main attributes of a thief are Strength, Skill, and Stealth. Strength determines how much loot they can carry and how bad of a beating they can take before falling in combat. Skill controls how fast a thief can pick a lock or search for loot. You don’t want to sit at a locked door out in the open too long for a guard to come upon you. Finally, Stealth influences how well a thief can sneak around and when hiding in the shadows, how well they hide from guards and nobles. It’s best to specialize in one of these three skills depending on the thieves abilities.

Each thief can have up to three abilities. Locking picking, knife fighting, and eavesdropping are some of the most important abilities for a thief to have. A smart build for a knife fighter would include high Strength. To make sure your fighter has the hit points to outlast a tough guard. Like I said before, making a team that has someone who can handle the important tasks is essential. Furthermore, training in abilities and skills takes experience and leveling up to accomplish. So make sure you embark on many heists to level up your team and get better at thieving. Another downfall of the game is the lack of multiple saves. You have to start over if you want to experience a new game all over again. Unfortunately, this deletes the previous game save.

Even though Thomas was the only developer, the game still has a great deal a depth in the gameplay. However, I have come across a few bugs in my gameplay that was a little frustrating. My biggest issue was my window climber climbing to the top of a building and getting trapped in a level of the home and not being able to move. The only fix was to auto-run at the end of the Heist. Sadly, this forces the thief to suffer through a jail sentence. Or even worse, death! Yet, it’s understandable to have a few bugs slip through the cracks with the small dev team. You can’t catch everything.

Killers and Thieves is a fun, seemingly simple Roleplaying/Strategy game. However, once you really get into heisting and thieving, it’s easy to lose track of the time. The action portion of the game is quick to learn, yet, difficult to master. I highly recommend the game for any fan of RPGs. Just make sure when your thieves get to feeling blue, you let them blow it all off at the tavern.. This is a great game! Along the lines of This is War and other scrollers, it's been a blast. The interface is simple and easy to pick up on. The art is amazing, as most Stoic creations are. I'm also very happy with the dificulty level. Not so simple you'll run through it without a scratch, but no to hard to get the beginner into the game.. Game abandonned by the dev. Sadly.. Potential of the game is really big. But it's bugged and abandoned, so don't waste your tame. It's unplayable in fact.. The premise of this looked very exciting, but the gameplay itself is frustrating, utterly random, and illogical. There's virtually no tutorial or in-game instruction, which would be forgivable if absolutely nothing were intuitive (my friend spent 20 minutes trying to "win" a combat with a guard before realizing combat was completely hands-off).

A huge disappointment. Hope Steam processes my refund.. Released an unfinished game then abandoned it for a new project. Alex Thomas is a name to watch out for (and avoid). Hey real quick question, so I got the Climbing ability for Key. And now he's stuck directly below the roof and between the top floor. Above a one square room, he walks across that one square room fine, but he won't go pastit even though there is room to, and he won't climb back down off the ledge. Am I doing anything wrong? I didn't want to auto escape (assuming that helps) and yeah everywhere I click he just either stays in one spot or i have to click near his feet ot get him to move.

For the actual review, Besides that i think it's fairly interesting sofar, im curious where the story will go and how the heists will change. Definitly a unique concept, a bit of room for improvement. It's a huge jump from the previous game for the creator. Obviously will be bugs early on. Art style is absolutely gorgeous, I like that there is a bit of variety with the civilians/peasants. Curious if there will continue to be variety further in the game when we get to the more wealthy areas.

Hope you guys keep making improvements lots of potential here.. Repetitive. After playing this, I appreciate the world variation other thief games give. In my opinion, the heist part of the game is just the same buildings over and over again. The rest of the game I think is great. The art is terrific. The music builds tension. The thief base is great. I love the politics of the world. This game has everything going for it except that the main part of the game is never very unique. If you have done one mission, you have seen it all.

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