La Tramontane - Ferienhaus direkt am Meer
Title: Just One Line
Genre: Adventure, Casual, Indie, RPG
JOL Studios
JOL Studios
Release Date: 12 Sep, 2018
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I really wanted to like this game, but as it is, I can't recommend it to anyone but a masochist. At the risk of being told to get good, I'll admit I couldn't make any progress in this game at all. Your character does so little damage and has so little health that you have to end up making a bunch of fodder characters to use as sacrifices while you try to suss out the only real way to get through a mission unscathed. Which isn't fun. It's a chore.
Not to mention the less-than-stellar UI and grammar\/spelling mistakes numerous enough that it can't be written off (also, for a text-based game, these things are pretty major to get right, since there isn't much else going on). Overall, this game really disappointed me. Not only did I feel frustrated that I couldn't even experience all the quests due to the constant deaths and loss of progress, but I also felt stupid for not being able to figure out the nonsensical narrative paths the game tries to lead you down despite not really making much sense. There's no reward for thinking about the options--no real reason to even read the scenario--because in the end it almost always comes down to just randomly picking the only perfect branch. Which kinda defeats the entire purpose anyway, so why play.. I really wanted to like this game, but as it is, I can't recommend it to anyone but a masochist. At the risk of being told to get good, I'll admit I couldn't make any progress in this game at all. Your character does so little damage and has so little health that you have to end up making a bunch of fodder characters to use as sacrifices while you try to suss out the only real way to get through a mission unscathed. Which isn't fun. It's a chore.
Not to mention the less-than-stellar UI and grammar\/spelling mistakes numerous enough that it can't be written off (also, for a text-based game, these things are pretty major to get right, since there isn't much else going on). Overall, this game really disappointed me. Not only did I feel frustrated that I couldn't even experience all the quests due to the constant deaths and loss of progress, but I also felt stupid for not being able to figure out the nonsensical narrative paths the game tries to lead you down despite not really making much sense. There's no reward for thinking about the options--no real reason to even read the scenario--because in the end it almost always comes down to just randomly picking the only perfect branch. Which kinda defeats the entire purpose anyway, so why play.
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