
La Tramontane - Ferienhaus direkt am Meer

I'm tired of getting scammed. I thought that I wouldn't be fooled on the internet, but it turned out that scammers are everywhere. How did you manage to find a reliable broker?

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Kommentar von MESIgoal am 4. Januar 2022 um 2:38pm

Oh, man, I hope you didn't lose much. It's really important to use only reliable brokers, and even if it would be with bad conditions - it still will be more profitable than a scam with good terms. I recommend you read this article http://usforexbrokers.com/how-to-choose-a-broker-in-the-usa/ about choosing a broker, and ho[efully, you won't get scammed again.

Kommentar von Jeorge Waters am 22. November 2021 um 11:13am

As for me, I managed to find a reliable broker through trial and error. It took me some time and money, but I finally found the best platform, and I've been trading with this broker for a few months already. You can follow the link and check it out as well, and hopefully, you'll never get scammed again.

Kommentar von Bill Shiphr am 22. November 2021 um 10:36am

Well, I was lucky, and my friend, who is a trader as well, recommended me a platform a few weeks ago.

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