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Hold The Line: The American Revolution Free Download [FULL]

Hold The Line: The American Revolution Free Download [FULL]

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About This Game

Hold the Line covers battles fought during the American Revolution. This game is a careful conversion of the board game of the same name developed by Worthington Publishing. Jump in and take command of the American or British forces during this pivotal moment in the history of nations!

Featuring an addictive “Action Point” system, you have a limited number of orders to dictate to your troops each turn. You must decide where to attack, who to rally, where to move and who to sacrifice to achieve your goals. Each scenario features unique objectives for both sides and can be played as either. Double the challenge!

Replay the engagements of Commander-in-Chief George Washington and British General William Howe and see who has the strategic might to gain the upper hand for the control of the burgeoning United States of America.

  • 13 unique scenarios playable as either the Americans or British
  • 7 scenario tutorial teaching the main principles of gameplay
  • 4 campaigns, play a series of scenarios in succession for a combined score
  • Faithful recreation of the original board game
  • Choose where to deploy your army
  • Bring in reinforcements when you need them

Title: Hold the Line: The American Revolution
Genre: Strategy
HexWar Games
HexWar Games
Release Date: 18 Aug, 2017


  • OS: Windows Vista/7/8/8.1/10
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD equivalent
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Storage: 1 GB available space


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I have bought this game because I am interested in history and this historical period of the formation of the USA is really significant. Above all, I love animation of units in Hold the Line. Look at the soldiers how slowly and perfect accurately manipulate with their muskets. Nice! What is not good - tha landscape is very simple as ever, sounds should be louder and especially the absence of a smoke (that one after shooting is not enough long visible), fog, steam, raised dust, soft clouds. I recommend to HexWar Games to make these "functionless" things in all games because it is very good for more immersive experience. Somebody has complained about a number of the move per round. But it greatly matches to the organization of military units during a battle in 18th century.. I have bought this game because I am interested in history and this historical period of the formation of the USA is really significant. Above all, I love animation of units in Hold the Line. Look at the soldiers how slowly and perfect accurately manipulate with their muskets. Nice! What is not good - tha landscape is very simple as ever, sounds should be louder and especially the absence of a smoke (that one after shooting is not enough long visible), fog, steam, raised dust, soft clouds. I recommend to HexWar Games to make these "functionless" things in all games because it is very good for more immersive experience. Somebody has complained about a number of the move per round. But it greatly matches to the organization of military units during a battle in 18th century.

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