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Hexcells Plus Ativador Download [pack]

Hexcells Plus Ativador Download [pack]

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About This Game

Hexcells Plus is a standalone expansion to Hexcells that contains 36 new and more challenging puzzles. b4d347fde0

Title: Hexcells Plus
Genre: Casual, Indie, Strategy
Matthew Brown
Matthew Brown
Release Date: 19 Feb, 2014


The most STRESSFULL part of Hexcells series! It gives you 1 mistake only to complete the level on perfect and you will constantly stare for ages at the puzzle level with 1-2 cells remaining and 1 mistake left, but some levels literally give you no clue where the remaining cells should be! No clues! Just gamble!
Since 4th set of puzzle levels the difficulty reaches such level that you have to watch every step like a chess player and be super-duper concentrated and focused, but eventually you won't need your skills to finish the level on perfect, just luck.
Would be a nice pleasurable Puzzle game if had somemore logic in level design.... Sometimes I find myself sadly poking around Matthew Brown's creator page, hoping to find something new - it's like being hungry, opening your refrigerator, and gazing forlornly at the contents, even though you know what's in there and nothing has changed since the last time you opened it five minutes ago. Feels.

I enjoyed the original Hexcells, so I figured I'd pick up Hexcells Infinite and Hexcells Plus when they were on sale. Hexcells Plus offers more of the same, which is much appreciated. I have a love\/hate relationship with logic games. When I'm in the right frame of mind, I find them relaxing. Sometimes I'll play while I'm working, just to multi-task and keep my brain stimulated.

I have nothing clever to say, really. I just enjoy these games. They're simple, aesthetically pleasing, and a lot of fun to play. They're frequently on sale and have a cheap price tag even when they're not on sale. You can't go wrong, really.. Very fun game. Despite some reviews saying otherwise, each puzzle can be logically solved without guessing. Some puzzles just take a lot longer than others. Just have some patience and look through all of the possibilities. You'll eventually get it.
Perfect 5\/7.. An incredible fun puzzle game, excellent follow up for the first Hexcells, totally worth it. But in my opinion the addition of a ? hex is incredible obnoxious. My favorite levels were the ones with very few of those. it just feel like a unrewarding discovery and unecessary risk in the board.. Unlike the 1st game in this series the player is forced to make guesses. It ticks me off no end that a wrong guess is classed as a mistake. It's not my mistake devs - it's yours. You are off my buying list forever. >-{

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