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Half-Life 2 In Italian Free Download ->->->-> DOWNLOAD

Original Title: Half-Life 2

Genge: Action,Adventure,Sci-Fi,Thriller









































Dr. Freeman is taken out of stasis by his "employer" to help rid the planet of invading aliens forces known as the Combine that entered through the portals he helped create.
Years after the Black Mesa Incident (from the original Half Life game), the mysterious G-Man summons Gordon Freeman from his induced slumber. Placing him on a train, Gordon finds himself in "City 17", one of an unknown number of 'urban centers,' where humans are kept in an Orwellian pseudo-slavery by a mysterious alien race known as the Combine. City 17, possibly located in eastern Europe, is overseen by Dr. Breen, a former administrator of Black Mesa who, after arranging the surrender of Earth to the Combine, was rewarded with a leadership position. Humans are now half-way oppressed by themselves. Prisons, concentration camps and urban centers alike are controlled by the Combine Overwatch, members of a somewhat voluntary military in which participation is rewarded with various benefits such as with better living conditions. People are also attracted to it because they would like to feel like being part of something greater then themselves, and also because they can get away with physically abusing, tormenting, and killing the civilians. A resistance stirs in the shadows... a large system of underground railroads are in place. The populace is on the edge of total rebellion. What they need is a little inspiration, and a little push, and Gordon Freeman may be just the man to provide it...
Half Life 2 is the best game ever! The graphics are superb, the story is somewhat okay and it's got plenty of action, thrills and zombies. I haven't finished this game yet because frankly I suck at computer games unless I can cheat but that doesn't matter. I love the zombies. They are so funny and scary, the way the people get turned into Zombies by the headcrabs. Also the assortment of weapons, ranges from pistols to pulse rifles to rocket launchers. One problem was that it glitched to easily. Sometimes it was my fault by putting in a cheat. But sometimes the people don't get into elevators and stuff like that, but it's solved by exiting and re-entering the game. But in conclusion I'd recommend this awesome game to action and/or zombie fans. ***** out of *****!
I just don't like Half Life 2. It's close to sinful to call myself studying video games and call one the greatest video games of all time, bad. But, I'm being honest; I see the game more as a gigantic guilt trip than an actual game where I care about the characters or events.

For those who unfamiliar with Half Life 2, you play as Gordon Freeman. A scientist who has become a symbol of hope for a rebellion in the dystopian world you play in. First thirty minutes, I was completely on-board with the idea of playing as THE symbol of hope rather than just a follower. It's also well done because the character is completely silent the whole game. It allows you to interpret what is truly going on this man head. He could be doing these things because deep down he just wants to see this world reformed. Or, you can see him as a suppressed psychopath who has been misunderstood by the resistance and is too disconnected from his peers to tell them. It's actually a very neat character study and about what video games can truly tell and show that other mediums can't. I also love the idea of throughout your adventures you encounter random members of the resistance that just help you because they truly look up to you and realize you're all that's left of hope. It completely depicts the idea that everyone plays some kind of part in the world and affects everyone in the grand scheme.

So, if I'm praising this game so much, then why do I hate it? I hate it because in-between these interesting themes are repetitive shooting, punching, and climbing sections. The game's monsters are just comprised of zombies, the face clamps from Alien, and huge bee things. There are other types of monsters, but that's the kind of monsters/animals you'll be fighting.

The combines are, I'll admit, pretty darn cool. Their gas masks are sort of attached to their face and the way they sort of just charge at you with no concern for their life is quiet scary. Here's where I praise the game and even if I don't like the game I have to admit the shooting in this game is the greatest I've ever played. Your health doesn't recharge on its own so you constantly balance your cover so you're not pinned; so when a combine rushes you aren't swarmed. Your ammunition is also limited, so you find yourself ducking and then doing a cinematic jump off of something and just start shooting and the guys below. It just feels wonderful.

But now it's time to talk about the thing that truly degrades this game, your followers. Along your adventure, you pick up some allies who care, protect, and look up to you. You travel alongside these people and suddenly feel responsible for their lives. Then, the game decides to push every slice of guilt onto you because when you start to get hurt, your teammates will swarm in front of you to protect you. So, now you stand over the three bodies of your trusted companions and it's all your fault for your reckless behavior that they're dead, or because you just wanted to try something new or needed to get to a checkpoint fast because you needed to stop playing. It's a cheap cop out of trying to make you feel sorry for your fallen friends that just makes you feel like a bad person by the end.

I don't hate this game because of its story or characters but because there just came this time when I became bored and annoyed with the game. I realized I could've re-watched a timeless classic, read a book, or spend some time with my family. But, by the end, it's just a well made shooter with interesting themes but dastardly intent.

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