La Tramontane - Ferienhaus direkt am Meer
Title: Geeste
Genre: Action, Casual, Indie
Skobbejak Games
Skobbejak Games
Release Date: 27 Mar, 2018
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Fix the bug thats makes ghosts able to run away from you into you and just carry you to whatever part of the map they please. That way yu require to shoot them with the blue gun. Oh and I don't know if this is intentional or not, but ghosts I have already hit with the blue gun that will despawn, will just go back to being able to kill me when they respawn.. Fix the bug thats makes ghosts able to run away from you into you and just carry you to whatever part of the map they please. That way yu require to shoot them with the blue gun. Oh and I don't know if this is intentional or not, but ghosts I have already hit with the blue gun that will despawn, will just go back to being able to kill me when they respawn.. This is a Pac-Man clone. Yes, you've read that right. You attack the score by wandering around the map trying to collect all balls when chased by ghosts, with big (or in this case, blue) balls making ghosts vulnerable and running away from you for a while. There are some minor differences, though: - the ghosts are creepy, not colourful and cute - the layout of map and where the balls are is unknown and therefore you have to search a bit - the ghosts do not block all the hallway, so you may dodge them if you're quick enough - you don't "eat" the ghost when powered up, but shoot them. Anyway, this is a very simple game with even more simple technical execution. It feels more like a Ludum Dare entry rather than a sold game. I've paid about half an euro for it in a discount and it still seems too much. The ghosts are cool and creepy, though.. This is a Pac-Man clone. Yes, you've read that right. You attack the score by wandering around the map trying to collect all balls when chased by ghosts, with big (or in this case, blue) balls making ghosts vulnerable and running away from you for a while. There are some minor differences, though: - the ghosts are creepy, not colourful and cute - the layout of map and where the balls are is unknown and therefore you have to search a bit - the ghosts do not block all the hallway, so you may dodge them if you're quick enough - you don't "eat" the ghost when powered up, but shoot them. Anyway, this is a very simple game with even more simple technical execution. It feels more like a Ludum Dare entry rather than a sold game. I've paid about half an euro for it in a discount and it still seems too much. The ghosts are cool and creepy, though.
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