For example, if you add a shortcut to Firefox, it won't work unless Firefox does work elevated.
Configuration options
automatically load on startup
view buttons state on download arrows
operate the buttons automatically
enable/disable split view (horizontal)
you can extract the url and one of the parameters from the url to set the gadget url and parameters
set of so often used gadgets can be safely set to be the same, by providing a shortcut to one of ec5d62056f
Fringe Folder Icon is a free collection of 60 icons (for windows 7). Each in the set has been carefully crafted to fit the style and honor the look and feel of mac dock icons.
*** Settings ***
Resource Settings: Triage vs Unassigned
# A checkbox appears when pressing this key
$Keywords = @()
# The X path is like this. In this sample the X path is hard coded.
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