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Fantasy Grounds - PFRPG Basic Paths: Fangs From The Past Ativador

Fantasy Grounds - PFRPG Basic Paths: Fangs From The Past Ativador

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Fangs From the Past

Want more beginners adventures? Here they are! Fangs from the Past is a basic Pathfinder adventure written by the master adven 5d3b920ae0

Title: Fantasy Grounds - PFRPG Basic Paths: Fangs from the Past
Genre: RPG
SmiteWorks USA, LLC
SmiteWorks USA, LLC
Release Date: 9 May, 2014


  • OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7x or 8x
  • Processor: 1.6 GHz or higher processor
  • Memory: 1 GB RAM


It's OK but not complete - All of the Story & Encounters are there, but there are not maps for every encounter and for those encounters that have maps available you will need to do the work of adding the encounters to the map yourself as this has not been done by the authors.. It's OK but not complete - All of the Story & Encounters are there, but there are not maps for every encounter and for those encounters that have maps available you will need to do the work of adding the encounters to the map yourself as this has not been done by the authors.. It's OK but not complete - All of the Story & Encounters are there, but there are not maps for every encounter and for those encounters that have maps available you will need to do the work of adding the encounters to the map yourself as this has not been done by the authors.

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Seitenaufrufe: 12


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