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Dungeon Warfare Reset Key

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About This Game

Dungeon Warfare is a challenging tower defense game where you become a dungeon lord to defend your dungeon against greedy adventurers.
As you successfully purify your dungeons throughout the world from the pesky invaders, you will gain access to more powerful traps and devious utilities.
Gain experience from killing the invaders to permanently upgrade your traps.

Game Features

  • 26 unique traps with 3 upgradeable tiers each
  • Passive upgrades for the traps
  • 40+ handcrafted levels
  • 22 types of enemies
  • Mix your own difficulty by combining 12 difficulty mode runes for more challenge
  • Endless mode (unlocked after obtaining the Infinity rune)
  • Launch a huge rolling boulder to crush everything on its path.
  • Reroute enemy path towards a busy minecart track to smash the invaders away.
  • Place traps that mercilessly throw mighty warriors into the pitch black abyss
  • Gather a force of your own by using summoning portals to instigate a chaotic brawl.
  • 30+ achievements
  • Juicy pixel art
  • Juicy sound effects
  • Juicy adventurers!

Title: Dungeon Warfare
Genre: Indie, Strategy
Release Date: 4 Nov, 2015


  • OS: Windows 7
  • Processor: Core 2 Duo
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Graphic Card with at least 256MB of VRAM
  • DirectX: Version 9.0
  • Storage: 100 MB available space

English,French,German,Japanese,Russian,Simplified Chinese,Korean

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This is a game that definitely has potential, but needs more work.

It starts off fine enough, and is very fun and engaging. There's many different tools and tactics at your disposal. The upgrade system makes sense, and can be adjusted for each level, not locking you into using certain traps just because theyre better.

That is, until you get past the first few levels. Then the difficulty spikes with no explanation, and you're left floundering, trying time and time again to get past that one level, just to be met with an equally - no, an even MORE difficult level after that. I've found myself stuck on Haphazard simply due to the fact that it's just straight up unbalanced. They make it far too difficult.

The graphics are good, the music is good, the idea is good... but the balance is lacking. I'm not going to play that level again and again, trying to find the ONE set of traps, upgrades, and placements that lets me win.

Again, it has potential, but its far overrated. It needs more work.. As a few negative reviews state, the game starts out good and then turns into a \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665 puzzler with the illusion of choice.

Play around until you find exactly the single one strat to beat a level and hope that RNG who is utterly \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665 does not screw you over, as in random environment effects pushing enemies behind most of your traps, or that your traps with 3+ sec CD don't fire when no enemy is presented.

Balance is horrible, half the levels you can beat with 1 tower and a hand down your pants, others will take an hour off you and you can't do anything but see the last 2 mobs reaching your portal.

This game seems like it had next to no testing, the added "challenge" in terms of runes is fun at first, but makes the game unbeatable halfway through. The game does not really reward experimentation as it simply demands there is only one legit strat for each level if you want the extra XP later on.

Overall, promising, but turned garbage pretty quickly because of no thought wasted on balance. If you don't use runes, you can waltz essentially through the game with your eyes closed and have to be utterly handicapped to mess up a level, if you turn on runes, well, see above. Fun? At first, later it's a chore and suffers from its own, ill-begotten, badly balanced mechanics.

\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665 balance is never a good way to challenge a person, at it is certainly not a substitute for it.. This is one of those "it's a good game, but I don't personally like it games", it's more of a puzzle game than a TD game, each level seems to have only one or two solutions where each tower must be built in the right order and place or else you loose, you can't really "grind" levels to get better as you only get the XP from your highest attempt. Lastly it has enemies (dwarves) that utterly ruin the pacing of the game for me as they destroy barricades and change the path of enemies.. Takes a lot of the tropes of a "standard" tower defence game and makes them better. Lots of these traps feel very tactile, because of the way they push, pull, or drag the creeps - rather than just making a number of abstract HP tick down. If you don't like tower defence games, there's no reason you're likely to like this one, either. But if you like the genre, this and the Creeper World series are IMO the peak of the genre.. I purchased this game for \u00a31.74 and for people who love TD games its a steal. Currently i have nearly 30h in the game and have not finished it i have been loving it all the time. honestly If you are looking for a good simple yet well designed TD game this is worth the full \u00a36.99 RRP. Also it has a map editor to make and share your own which is always a great addition. I only just found out there is a 2nd game and having nearly finished this i'm 100% going to get the 2nd because if its only just as good as this game it will be worth my time and money!

TLDR: Damn good TD game, worth the full price and im sure as hell going to get the 2nd game.

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