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Download InnerSpace - Soundtrack .exe

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About This Content

Composed by Chris Miller and fully remastered for the OST, the InnerSpace soundtrack is an original set of songs crafted for discovering the mysteries of the Inverse. Utilizing custom synthesizer instrumentation, the electronic score shifts between chill ambiance and driving moments. This complete collection reflects the emotional highs and lows of the journey, as well as the mysterious, stylized aesthetic of the Inverse.

1. Welcome to the Inverse (01:58)
2. And Then There Was Wind - Prologue (01:09)
3. A Friend in Both Low and High Places (01:38)
4. Outer Depths (02:14)
5. The Setting Sea (03:18)
6. Sunchamber - Aerial Exploration (03:08)
7. Mornsea (04:00)
8. Flight of the Gossamer Flock, in B Major (02:00)
9. Avian Mirage (01:36)
10. Eventide (03:28)
11. The Leviathan (01:24)
12. Tidal Reflection (01:30)
13. Duskprism (02:19)
14. Narrowsky - Finale (09:19) 7ad7b8b382

Title: InnerSpace - Soundtrack
Genre: Adventure, Indie
PolyKnight Games
Release Date: 16 Jan, 2018


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