La Tramontane - Ferienhaus direkt am Meer
Title: Dark Throne
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie, RPG
Marcin Mikołajczyk
Back To Basics Gaming
Release Date: 2 Mar, 2017
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15 minutes in and I've seen enough. This is phenomenally bad and it should have never reached the Steam store ever. From the dreadful sprite animations, ugly looking characters, atrocious idle animation, twitchy walking animation, faulty jump mechanics, absolutely poorly thought out game design, to the animations that don't trigger, even the controller mapping is completely absurd. Every pixel of this piece of trash deserves your deepest disdain. I'll refund my 1$ and buy me a coffee instead. Do not waste your pennies on this garbage of a game.. I'm very sorry, but this is a horrible game. It's broken, and it crashes from time to time. Since it's under a dollar,it makes a good achievement hunt game, wait for it to go on sale for under $0.50.. A good little RPG 2D, concept based on the classic RPG. The only negative point is its very short lifespan.. Well I read the pros and cons on this game and I have to agree what people are saying about this game is true but it still has excellent entertainment value and the music is good as you play along.Jump,hack,slash your way to victory and enjoy pixelated goodness all the way.If your an old school gamer then of course you will like it,if not well play it and see what games use to be like and should still be.A few glitches here and there but you can easily restart and the save feature will put you back at your cozy bonfire.Developers if your reading these reviews well you did good so keep it up and the recent improvements have made the game even better.Would not mind seeing a CRT,Scanline feature to give it that extra old school feel,but anyway keep on making good stuff like this and I will be there with my steam cash on hand.10/10 overall despite its flaws,it is old school fun done well.At the price they asking you cannot go wrong.. Review: Hey everyone, it's been a while. Tonight's game is Dark Throne, which looked great from the screenshots. I'm slowly starting to learn that visuals aren't everything but they're *usually* a good indicator. Maybe I've just been unlucky of late. Anyways, on to this game. I was all set for a great 2D Dark Souls experience but straight away something seemed a little off. the way the character moved and the UI leaves something to be desired too. The enemies (who look like The Bastard Of Bolton from Game of Thrones!) bizarrely bounce of your shield. The amount of endurance (green bar) you lose for each hit they do is basically nothing as you'll recover it all back before they even attack again. The game is blatantly meant to be Dark Souls right, so why change the controls? I mean I can understand a little adjustment from 3D to 2D but why is right trigger block?! Why does the B button bring up the help menu instead of rolling? Why isn't there a roll button? Why can't you attack mid-air? All of the animations are hilariously fast, yet the game play isn't so I'm pretty sure it's not because my computer's running the game mega-quick.. funny but to hard for me. can't kill the first boss.. Video A rather simple Ghost 'n Goblins and Castlevania inspired plattformer that, for the most part, is a bare boned attempt at playing in the same category as those master pieces. Controls are awkard, animations are a tad lackluster and enemy variety leaves a thing or two to be desired. It adds some RPG flavor with three stats that you can upgrade; Damage, Vitality and Energy (stamina). While not being a Souls-, or Salt & Sanctuary-game by any stretch of the imagination, it's clear where the inspirations came from. First off, the controls are clunky as you move with WAD (not S, that is used for showing your stats) and swing your active item with the cursor keys. Up arrow blocks, while the others perform various strikes. The game focuses much of its time on platforming, and most jumps require the use of "sprint jump". Now, the character doesn't run any faster when you hold "Shift", but your stamina meter will deplete. It's very strange to see that when you thought you'd be sprinting, your character instead moves at regular speed, while the stamina bars drains. Speaking of; as with all of these games you deplete stamina with your every action, but it does seem to refill rather quickly. Perhaps this is possible to upgrade, but the help screen do not show me where I can do so, even when the stats screen says I have points to spare. Right, enough about awkward character movement and dodgy help screens, let's talk a bit about the enemies. For the introductory part they seem none aware of you unless you're on the same platform or level as them. However, they will move closer to the edge of the platform they're on, making it harder to get over to and kill them without taking damage. Thankfully there are spells, protection and fire, which allows for you to either take them down from a distance or protect yourself from all damage for a little while. However, these come in form of one-time use scrolls and you cannot stack up more than 3 of each. Fireball might sound useful, but when you require all of them to take out a lowly goblin from a far, it outlives its usefulness. Protection spell is better, but is usually just a short "let me move to that enemy without getting killed in the process" type of usage, meaning you rely on it more to get to the next plattform, than getting by in skillful 1-on-1 combat. You can upgrade your character, but this relies on rescuing Roger first, an NPC locked up in a cage. On the audible side, the music in particular, seems to have been collected from a range of free music sources, including every Youtubers favorite composer, Kevin MacLeod. While the soundtrack for the most part is passable featuring your standard piano and baroccu00e9 ensembles, some are completely out of place. For instance, the song that plays in Kerbal Space Program when entering the upper atmosphere has for some reason found its way into Dark Throne ( Kevin MacLeod - Frost Waltz ) , which does not fit at all. Sound effects are simple, yet serviceable, but leaves some things to be desired. Ambient effects would've added a ton of atmosphere to the game, and variation in enemy grunts is almost needed if you don't want to grow tired of fighting the same enemies over and over again. I do hope the developer at least updates with controller support, as this game needs it - *badly*. Using Q and E to move your active selected item at the bottom is extremely tedious in the heat of battle and using the "Right arrow" to actually use the item is just downright confusing. Why can't you just map these to spesific buttons, since there are only a limited amount of items available anyway? Oh, and you can't rebind controls either, even when forced to use the keyboard. Also, if you like tons of typos in a game, you'll be well served here. Expect to see thing like "Demage" and "Come into a bonfire" (the what now?). It's one of those. So far I've also had the game crash a couple of times, mostly after a death when it tries to save. (Side note: Since this is a Java game, you won't find the game by its name in the task manager overview. You'll have to look for and kill a "Java (32bit) Platform task" in your task manager, usually the one eating 600MB of your memory.) After seeing this initial launch version and its hiccups, I'd recommend waiting a while to see if it gets some much needed patches even if the game is dirt cheap. If you want medieval platform goodness, I'd much more look into Maldita Castilla" or "Salt & Sanctuary" if 2D Dark Souls sounds interesting.. Little and cheap game with very nice graphics.. Since the game was 40 cents at the time that I bought it (and I really just bought this to activate my account again so I can use the community store) I really didn't have hope for it to be the best, I went into this knowing I'm getting what I paid for. Only took about 5 hours to beat the game, granted I took lots of breaks not because of difficulty but because of how headache inducing the sound effects were for me. In the small bits of story you get at the beginning and end of the game theres just bits of english that does not make sense, as well as gramatical errors. I'm still not really sure what the story was outside of "some guy is a bad guy". Ontop of that the controls are a bit wonky. There were times where I could not even move backwards, the key to walk back just would not register, even after restarting the client, so I would have to kill myself to get the game to work again. There was a time where I DID kill myself to fix the issue and the bonfire + enemies just disappeared, forcing me to restart the client afterall. Sometimes the client would close itself out of nowhere. Boss fights were pretty one dimensional, in that a lot of the time in order to kill the boss you could resort to the simple strategy of just jumping back and forth around the boss, whittling down its health until it's dead. On the subject of bosses, the art styles for each boss was so different from the game it felt like some of them were just ripped from RPG maker. I met one instance with a boss where they just simply glitched and did not move at all. Overall it was an interesting concept and you could tell where its inspiration came from, the pixel art for the stage itself, outside of enemies was fantastic but the game was definitely a miss for me. I really did not get any sense of achievement for beating this game. Too many bugs and just too simple. If you're someone who collects games for easy achievements then this is probably for you.. Lol, somebody liked Dark Souls a bit too much huh? What will come next? No Man's Sky, the platformer? No seriously, not bad game, looks great! But the controls are HORRIBLE. Use WSAD to move, use the Arrow keys for the attacking moves, use R for the action button. Ehm, this is getting close to be Dark Souls' controls exactly all over again. Except for the souls, there are no souls. Hehe. Funny aspect. Too bad, the game is great, but I cannot handle the controls. For what it is worth: A great Dark Souls Platform conversion (fanbased) game. Not sure about the prize, the graphics look like the developer did some serious effort for it to make it look as great as it does. Even if it's lower pixelated then the pixelated games we are used to lately. (like that game "Open Spades" - it's old but it's still fun to play and still has a lot of people playing it today's speaking) But whatever, this game, if you can handle the akward controls, you will have a good time. The music is btw MEH, heard some of them too often in South Park episodes.
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