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Dark Ages Full Crack [Password]

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About This Game

Dark Ages was the first shareware game to support the Adlib & Sound Blaster music cards. If featured a movie style soundtrack of eight unique songs and themes.

Each volume of Dark Ages has its own unique appearance, with different goals, level designs and locations. Each volume has 10 huge scrolling levels packed with devious traps, creatures and treasures.

Game Features

  • Built in instructions
  • Save and restore
  • Permanent high scores
  • Sound on/off
  • Flexible keyboard configuration
  • Three skill levels

Bonus Info

The EGA/VGA graphics are colorful and stunning, with fast scrolling screens and high-speed animation. Dark Ages has such demanding graphics and animation that it requires an 80286 (or 80386) machine to run at proper speed, otherwise it may run too slowly. (NOTE: Dark Ages runs too fast on 486 or higher computers. You will need to slow them down to play). a09c17d780

Title: Dark Ages
Genre: Action
Scenario Software
3D Realms (Apogee Software)
Release Date: 1 Feb, 1991


Ahhh More Gold. I remember this game. I played it so much. I cant remember if i ever finished it, but sure it brings back memories. Recomended. Like Cosmo and Commander Keen. Gonna finish this game at some point in my life :). Ahhh More Gold. I remember this game. I played it so much. I cant remember if i ever finished it, but sure it brings back memories. Recomended. Like Cosmo and Commander Keen. Gonna finish this game at some point in my life :). Dark Ages is very nostalgic Old School platformer. It is not the best, it isn't the most beautiful, but it can be very hooking and you can experience what PC playing was at the 90s.
. Dark Ages is very nostalgic Old School platformer. It is not the best, it isn't the most beautiful, but it can be very hooking and you can experience what PC playing was at the 90s.

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