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Title: Dandy: Or a Brief Glimpse Into the Life of the Candy Alchemist
Genre: Action, Indie
wefiends, Inc.
wefiends, Inc.
Release Date: 4 Aug, 2015
Do not judge this game from its cute style, it will tear into your heart with fear and frustration as the globs of sweets swarm into your defenceless body, which shall never be ready. Even when you think you have the upper hand, you will find the torment to be far from finished. The end seems so close but in truth it is so very far. Do not attempt should you suffer from mental instability or high stress levels for if it can break you, it will break you.. I adore this game. The artwork, the music, everything. I randomly came across it this morning and decided, "What the hell, I'm gonna buy this." No regrets. I can't wait to play it with my friend.
My only gripe would be that I really wish I could move left and right. I mean, I understand if that was intended, but maybe there could be an option to move left and right? I don't know. It's really not a big deal, but it gets frustrating when I move upwards to dodge an enemy that is following me, and I don't have enough room and it hits me.
Otherwise this game is super awesome, I highly recommend it, the charm alone is reason to purchase.. Dandy: Or a Brief Glimpse Into the Life of the Candy Alchemist is a game made by WeFiends. Its a SideScrolling, Shoot 'Em Up, Perma Death, Rouge-lite game with a very adorable art style and amazing music. The game takes inspiration from many of the Indie greats, such as Binding of Isaac with its stacking power ups that also mutate the characters appearence as you go on, and Fez with its whimsical\/retro soundtrack and colors. The game is simple, but super fun and extremly addictive. The people at WeFiends put so much love and heart into this game its hard not to love it as well. This game even had me smiling while playing it because of how much fun I was having. Dandy is also really difficult, and all the enemies require different tactics to beat them, forcing you to actually think about what way to attack enemies rather than just holding down the shoot button, and I gotta give WeFiends some credit because its really well done and innovative. The art style is possibly the nicest thing to look at ever, and the backgrounds look like they were made by the League of Legend art team! The backgrounds look extremly amazing and detailed, expecally a little later on in the game when Dandy is flying through a beautiful starry night sky. This game also has great music and is one of the few video game soundtracks I could listen to for days. There is an Online Mode that is also very fun and playing with friends (Online or Locally) is always a blast with Dandy. In conclusion, Dandy is cute, crazy and fun with so much heart put into it. Maybe a little simple, but thats ok, because the content that is here is enough to keep you playing for hours. I highly recommend this game to any fans of Indie games (expecally the ones I said above) and artist since this game is a blast to look at (seriously I could just look at this game and have a fun time doing it). This game is a lot like candy itself, and Im totally addicted, WeFiends did an amazing job and I can't wait to see what they have in store in the future.
-Stefan <3. Do not judge this game from its cute style, it will tear into your heart with fear and frustration as the globs of sweets swarm into your defenceless body, which shall never be ready. Even when you think you have the upper hand, you will find the torment to be far from finished. The end seems so close but in truth it is so very far. Do not attempt should you suffer from mental instability or high stress levels for if it can break you, it will break you.. Dandy is an auto-scrolling shooter with rogue-like elements such as random items and perma-death. The game is also available on mobile, that explains the art style and why the enemies look rather bland, but trust me, it is a lot better than it looks. The gameplay is simple, you kill waves of enemies, after some waves you get randomized power-ups and eventually you fight a boss.
The strongest part about dandy is the enemy design. Most of the enemies have weaknesses that can be exploited to fight them efficiently without losing health. For example some of the enemies require you to stand still or else you can't hurt them, while others force you to move or else they shoot at you. These two enemy types can appear on the same screen and lead to difficult situations. Overcoming these tricky screens with knowledge and skill feels very rewarding.
The final boss is annoying, it is a bullet-hell boss and he doesn't fit in the game. The 4th version of the boss has a ridiculous amount of hp and if you don't have good damage items the fight goes 20 minutes or until you die.
I play the game with an xbox-controller, you move up or down (you can't move left or right) with the analog stick and use the a-button for shooting. If you hold down the a-button you character auto-fires. The only problem i have with the controls is that there are items that require you to charge them up, picking up one of these items overrides the ability to auto-fire. I really hope they add an extra button to charge up shots in the future.
The item variety is rather small, there are maybe 30-40 items and most of them are just damage upgrades or defensive upgrades in some form, Items that are more special like pierce or the banana boomerang are rare.
Some items are overpowered, the peach and the cinnamon both allow you to oneshot pretty much every enemy leading to extremly easy runs. However in general the items aren't very important, even if i get only bad items i can almost always make it to the final boss.
Dandy is a fun skill-based game that has well designed enemys and good controls. The replay-value is rather limited because of the non-random encounters and the bad item system but if you are a fan of the genre the game is definitively worth the asking price,. You are doing yourself a disservice if you do not pick this game up. It is incredibly polished and a great deal of fun. I booted it up intending to only play for a few minutes and ended up spending nearly an hour on it. Highly recommended!. It reminds me a lot of Binding of Isaac but bright and colorful. Honestly good fun with friends!
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