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Title: Damascus Gear Operation Tokyo HD
Genre: Action
Arc System Works
Arc System Works
Release Date: 8 Aug, 2017
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If the maps were varried and we had larger enviroments to play in this game would be a must have. Its not a terrible game, but it gets boring quickly since each mission is pretty much the same. I got my hour \/ dollar enjoyment out of it.
Giving it a thumbs up only if you pick it up on sale, b\/c its worth an afternoons play time.. A fun little game. While it's graphics reminds me of a psp game, there is a nice experience if you like mech themed games mixed with a diablo like loot management.. Its a mediocore port. It's got locked resolution choices, low quality options, and subpar Keyboard + mouse interface.
Now that I've got that out of the way. It is a fairly enjoyable diablo-esque gameplay with ac style mech customization. Story and mission content is pretty good, especially with inclusion of all the dlcs, it gives you more scenarios and lore to followup your previous game
Gameplay wise its fairly simple, however I notice a lot of fps staggers throughout the game. Something the fps lock which unfortunately you can't do anything to fix it without resorting to outside tampering. Also it suffers from having terrible ai partners and sometimes questionable mission objectives. Customibility isn't as deep as say AC. But you got plenty of parts and weapons to experiment on and to figure out your preferred playstyle. Though you're color selection and map layout is limited.
Overall if you really want a decent mecha game in steam that's not another side scroller or faux- walking tank simulator. This one is a good title to look at. It's no AC, nor AC fast. But atl east its an open world hack and slash game with decent story and fun customibility.. ...well you tried.
But seriously this game is pretty much Armored Core meets Diablo with loot shooter elements, but the problem is its so stale and boring that it ceases to be fun about halfway through. The end game content is unsatisfying and getting S ranks on the missions is tedious instead of a challenge. The story puts you to sleep. The part selection and paint is bare minimum and the stats are never explained. All the bosses are basically giant versions of the normal mechs with cheap tactics and that's only if they work properly. I had two of the final bosses glitch out on me quite a few times. It was hilarious but sad at the same time. Also the Hero Creation extension is basically playing the game all over again, with slightly different dialogue and 3 additional missions. I S ranked all the missions in this game just so I can get my money's worth but jeez I only did it cause I was bored.. If you are a fan of games like armored core and such, this is for you.
even though its rough around the edges but its as close as you can get when it comes to mech building. It's just.. too basic. Can't recommend.. Hoo boy, where to start. First off, the idea of a mech based diablo like 'hack n' slash' is something I've wanted for a very long time. This game is a bargain basement execution of such no matter how you look at it though. Everything about this game is cheep and cheesy. About the only positives I can say about the game is that the controls work, and the mech customization features are decent.
There are absolutely no rpg elemts to this game what so ever so don't go into it thinking there will be level progression. The only progression in this game is the parts you pick up for your mech. which gets old rather fast since there is very little variety in parts other than their stats and apperence. All the equipment functions pretty much the same, There's only a handful of different weapon types and the difference between them is mostly stats. No different types of legs either, not that it matters since your mech simply hovers everywhere reguardless. They couldn't even be bothered to animate a walking cycle.
the enemy and map variety is lame as well. There's only a handful of small maps that are basically all the same city streets or underground coredors later in the game. You'll fight the same handful of enemies over and over as well, repeated in different 'tiers' of increesing stats.
Overall. Mechanically its functional, but there is next to no variety in anything, from gear, to enemies to maps. I wouldn't recomend anyone pay more than 5$ this game.. This Game has writen Handheld all over it.
First Thing you will notice... There are no cut sceens, No Story Panels between Missions.
The Story is only told during a Mission.
This will interupt the flow of Battle to an annoying Degree.
The Game is a causal Diablo Clone with giant Mechs in a dystopian Tokyo.
And as a Diablo Clone it gets even the basic ARPG Stuff not right.
Combat is boring
Loot is boring
Enemy Bots are stupid Lemmings
Your Team NPC are stupid as ****
Missions Maps are small Arena like affairs no procedural generated Mazes \/ Dungeons
Timelimit?! within Missions
Then are the technical Limitations.
No Graphics Options
Only Barebone Options...
Switching from Mission Menu to the Dock or to the Shop gives the Player a loading screen...
The Translation ranges from funny to incompetent.
Text is not always readable in the Mission Menu
The Player can get stuck in the Geometry
For an PS Vita Game it is an ohhkay mobile Game
For an 2017 Port to the Windows Platform it is lacking in every Aspect..
5\/10 \/ Borderline Incompetent Port
This is my Opinion! This is how i feel at this Moment in Time & Space about this Product!
This Opinion may change in the Future because of the "Panta rhei" Effect.
I don't care about other Point of Views and will delete Posts of SJW Nature.
If you want to Discuss like an Adult certain Topics of the Matter... You are Welcome to do so.
So... If you don't like my opinion give it a Thumb Down or click on the Funny Option.
Best Regards from sunny Zermany. Things I like:
1. You can customize your own "Gear".
2. Weapon and body parts with different attributes.
Things I dislike:
1. AI always attemp suicide.
2. Lack of variety in combat.
3. Combat is not smooth.
4. Enemy is always the same.
5. Annoying and repeating mission (especially Rank A mission "Reinforcement?").
6. Hard to develop your own style.
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