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CudaMiner, nVidia mining software. Please use cgminer for ATi cards. Use CPUminer for CPU mining. Supports scrypt, scrypt-jane, keccak and other algorithms.
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12 Mar 2014 . So far the Blake-256 algorithm is only used by two crypto currencies Blakecoin (BLC) and Photon (PHO), but the good news that if more come.. 13 Aug 2014 - 9 min - Uploaded by Szymon MachajewskiMining scrypt coins on Mac OS X, iMac, with both CPU and GPU. CUDA . computing platform .. a CUDA accelerated litecoin mining application based on pooler's CPU . CudaMiner release February 28th 2014 - Speedup release . miners - don't believe the AMD fanboy myth that nVidia cards . Compute 1.0 through 1.3 devices seem to run faster on Windows XP or Linux . limit the program will terminate faster.. 10 Mar 2014 . If you want to mine GPU Coin with Nvidia GPUs you will need to use the cudaminer software miner. GPUC uses Scrypt-Adaptive-Nfactor and.. BFGMiner Luke-Jr 3.10.0 (15.01.2014) Yes Yes CPU and GPU miner . Litecoin BAMT - USB-bootable Linux distro designed specifically for scrypt .. 20MH/s for the GTX 1070 sounds like Ethereum hashrate. 680KH/s for Litecoin seems reasonable and no idea about ArtByte but it sounds like.. 24 Sep 2018 . Mining on GPUs by AMD and NVIDIA[edit] . Operating systems and mining software. . GT 440, 18,5, 810, 900, cudaMiner 2013-04-06.. a CUDA accelerated litecoin mining application based on pooler's CPU miner . to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together. . README.txt speed-ups for Yacoin, Maxcoin, Helixcoin. roll-up to 2014-02-28 ver . blakecoin.cpp here's a big fat code contribution from Alexey Panteleev (nVidia).. 2014829 . I started this during the easter holidays in 2013 and this uses CUDA to squeeze . performance out of nVidia cards - as compared to OpenCL mining applications. . [32+64bit version] (7.0 MB) speed-up for YAC .. CUDA Manager v1.2 Release** Built for us doges, and all our neighbors. . I apologize, there are no plans for a linux or mac version at this time. . This program makes nvidia mining much easier. . [32+64bit version] (7.0 MB) speed-up for YAC (compute 3.0 or later), keccak.. 12 Nov 2015 . CudaMiner release February 28th 2014 - Speedup release . miners - don't believe the AMD fanboy myth that nVidia cards . 1) scrypt mining with N=1024 (LiteCoin and many, many clones) . 1.0 through 1.3 devices seem to run faster on Windows XP or Linux . limit the program will terminate faster.. 8 Feb 2014 . Of course the price/performance ratio of an Nvidia GPU versus and AMD . Download the latest CUDAminer 2014-02-28 Nvidia GPU mining.. 12 Feb 2018 . cgminer is the simplest and most effective miner to use. . 3.3.1, -I 16 -g 1 -w 128 --thread-concurrency 5760, Linux Mint 15 Xfce, APP SDK v2.7, Catalyst 13.4 . The best miner to use for NVIDIA GPUs would be cudaMiner.. 3 Mar 2014 . However, you can start mining Dogecoins even using a single PC. . They will allow you to use a miner program that supports the X11 . The easiest way is probably from the Command prompt in Windows or a Console shell in Linux. . There's a quick guide for cudaMiner here, for CGMiner, try here.. a recent nVidia driver supporting at least CUDA 5.5 . [32+64bit version] (7.0 MB) speed-up for YAC (compute 3.0 or later), keccak .. You can create a symlink so that the program can still find the files it needs. . CudaMiner is a command-line scrypt coin (i.e. Litecoin) miner for Nvidia GPUs developed by Christian . 2014-02-28 Release Build (CUDA 5.5 and 6.0), Download.. 26 Dec 2017 . Litecoin mining using AWS EC2 and CUDA - Part2 . wget . git clone . This is version 2014-02-28 (beta) . Software Architect, Developer and Technology Enthusiast.. Detailed user, host, team and country statistics with charts for BOINC . 2015-07-01: cgminer 4.9.2 for linux / RPI . It is still using the same old cpuminer app and it is still mining Scrypt (Viacoin (VIA)). Henri. . Is an nVidia driver installed" with cudaminer you must update to any nvidia driver >=319.x with cuda5.5 support.. Mitigating Covert Mining Operations in Clouds and Enterprises . 2600K processor (Sandy Bridge), an NVIDIA GTX 960 GPU (Maxwell) and. 8 GB of DDR3 RAM. We ran Linux 3.16.0-44 for both desktop (native) and . cudaminer-2014-02-28 . this comparison between mining software and some popular and common.. [2017-06-20 14:50:01] GPU #0: GeForce GTX 960 with compute capability . cudaminer -o stratum+tcp:// -u draga.1 -p 123 . maximum shares [s] to mine before exiting the program. . block and net difficulty (old mode) -B, --background run the miner in.
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