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Crystal Quest Classic Activation Code [key Serial]

Crystal Quest Classic Activation Code [key Serial]

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About This Game

When you start the game you find yourself on a field sprinkled with crystals and other goodies. Your job is to collect all the crystals while avoiding the mines – not to mention the 12 breeds of nasties and their bullets that soon turn up to try and stop you. Once you collect all the crystals, an exit at the bottom of the screen opens up so you can escape. Sounds simple? All the best games are – the depth of gameplay emerges from the simplest of pretexts.

Crystal Quest Classic is a revival of the 1987 award winning video game. The original was played on almost every Macintosh computer in existence before being ported to the Apple IIgs, Amiga and the Game Boy – followed many years later by a reawakening on the Xbox360. It had so many firsts including being the very first color game on the Macintosh. Crystal Quest was one of 5 titles included in Macworld Magazine’s “Game Hall of Fame” and got 5 out of 5 mice from MacUser Magazine.

“Crystal Quest cost me some of the best hours of my life. Nice to see it back and nice conversion. It looks, feels, and sounds just the way I remember it.” – Bob “Dr. Mac” LeVitus

There are bonuses, smart bombs and mines. There are also 12 achievements that you can earn. Some are harder than others.

This is an early game designed by Carmageddon creator Patrick Buckland, with all the art and sound effects just as he created them. And yes, the level exit sound is Patrick. 7aa9394dea

Title: Crystal Quest Classic
Genre: Action, Strategy
Game Mechanics LLC
Game Mechanics LLC
Release Date: 23 Nov, 2016


I'll give the game points for being a faithful recreation, but those rose-tinted glasses better have some insanely thick lenses because this is ultimately a rough experience. I liked the version on the Xbox 360, which included both a remastered and classic mode, oh and also joystick support. I understand this is the "classic" version, but the option to deviate slightly from the norm would have been nice.. Crystal Quest! I used to play this ALL the time as a kid. Well, the original one. And let me say that I got MUCH better than I did when I was a child. Because. You know. I was a child. Anyway, as soon as I saw this in the Steam store, I had to get it. And I wasn't disappointed. Yeah it gets pretty nuts in the harder levels, but I did well, and I'm really loving throwing it on for a quick time-killer. You don't expect to survive long, and it's a blast. Nostalgia out the wazoo!. Ah thank you so much for the nostalgia blast. I don't think I would recommend this game to someone who didn't play it back in the day but for those that grew up with a family "Macintosh" should enjoy playing this for a few minutes. This game is apart of gaming history and I'm so glad it's preserved.. www.youtube.com\/watch?v=RMnqdu-7GwI\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" id=\"dynamiclink_0\">https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=RMnqdu-7GwI<\/a>
I just love this. It's a faithful reproduction of Crystal Quest (Crystal Raider for those who only had the shareware version) which I used to play on a black-and-white Macintosh Classic when I was a kid. Maybe it's because it's such a nostalgia trip for me, but I find it a horrifyingly addictive experience.

Guide your inertia-powered spherical spaceship around and collect all the crystals, and if you manage to avoid all manner of crazy monsters you might be lucky enough to get out of the opening at the bottom of the screen. If you're REALLY lucky you might get a huge crystal and loads of points and feel like an 11-year-old again* (*last part probably exclusive to me).

'Hash Monsters', 'Sandbags' and the 'Blim Thingies' - might not be their real names - will spawn from both ends to try to stop you, and stop you they will unless you use a lot of bombs to clear them out.

It gets very difficult, very quickly in a very entertaining way - you'll be yelling at the screen with a smile on your face. For this price you cannot argue with its arcade madness.. I'll give the game points for being a faithful recreation, but those rose-tinted glasses better have some insanely thick lenses because this is ultimately a rough experience. I liked the version on the Xbox 360, which included both a remastered and classic mode, oh and also joystick support. I understand this is the "classic" version, but the option to deviate slightly from the norm would have been nice.. Couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this pop up on Steam - I spent so many hours in the late 80s and early 90s playing this on a variety of old-school Macs. This seems to be pretty much a perfect recreation of the classic, down to the amazing sound effects. Blem. Blem. Blem. AaaAAAaah!. Couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this pop up on Steam - I spent so many hours in the late 80s and early 90s playing this on a variety of old-school Macs. This seems to be pretty much a perfect recreation of the classic, down to the amazing sound effects. Blem. Blem. Blem. AaaAAAaah!. Brings back fond memories for me when I was a child. My Dad and I use to play this on his Quadra and B&W monitor. Very fun! I thought I would be mucher better now, but the game is still very challenging.. Ouch. Right in the childhoods.

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