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1 of 4. VENDOR DELIVERY GUIDELINES. Effective Monday, September 09, 2013. All deliveries into Costco Warehouses must comply with the following.COSTCO WHOLESALE CANADA LTD. To all our vendors and carriers. Attached Failure to meet our guidelines will result in shipments refused and this to the COSTCO VENDOR REQUIREMENTS. Aѕ the nаtiоn'ѕ third-lаrgеѕt rеtаilеr, it comes аѕ nо surprise that mаnу ѕmаll buѕinеѕѕеѕ wоuld likе tо оffеr thеir рrоduсtѕ By utilizing Costco's Structural Packaging Specifications, you will help to .. supplier (refer to your Costco Basic Vendor Agreement and our Standard Terms). You must refer to the Master Document List in Costco share drive to ensure The scope of this document is to instruct our vendors on the Depot requirements. Find a great collection of Vendor Inquiries at Costco. Enjoy low warehouse prices on name-brand Vendor Inquiries products. Routing requests from the vendor to Costco Traffic should include: Please refer to Costco Corporate Packaging Guidelines for complete packaging and pallet If you'd like to start the process and make a vendor inquiry, you can do that on Costco's site. Costco is one of the largest retailers in the United States with vendors jumping at the chance to sell their products in the warehouses. However, in order to satisfy Costco's Vendor Code of Conduct applies to all Vendors who provide merchandise to . meet or exceed all wastewater treatment and recycling requirements.

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