La Tramontane - Ferienhaus direkt am Meer
Title: Clicker Warriors
Genre: Action, Adventure, Casual, Free to Play, Indie, RPG, Simulation, Strategy
Open World Interactive
Open World Interactive
English,French,Italian,German,Arabic,Japanese,Korean,Norwegian,Russian,Simplified Chinese,Swedish,Thai,Turkish,Vietnamese
clicker warriors. clicker warriors
Patch 4 is up! : Patch 4 - Project Hospital 1.0.14331 - Feature: much improved highlighting of rooms with problems - Feature: added warnings about department problems to main panel - Fixed two cases of broken stretchers causing patients to get stuck waiting in bed - Fixed radiologists sometimes ignoring patients for the rest of the day after taking a break - Fixed an error causing patients to get stuck waiting for a fired doctor - Fixed required room sizes of diagnostic units - Fixed number of technologists not shown on the hospitalization panel in management mode - Fixed collapse system not safe against deleting defibrillators - Fixed a few symptom/diagnosis issues - Fixed the (maybe not bug, but still annoying) problem with patients with planned urine sampling stuck at the doctor's waiting for a free toilet on the same floor :) - Small fixes in texts - Updated translations for the included languages (more are on the way, like Italian, Russian or Korean, big thanks to our hard working volunteer translators!). Project Hospital - Patch 14 : Despite a small medical crisis among our tech team, bugs are still being fixed :) Patch 14 - Project Hospital 1.0.15420 - Fixed a regression: staff not using objects in green/blue rooms when there's a designated staff-only area (this was affecting water dispensers or washing hands) - Fixed a regression: surgeries sometimes stuck reserved by a lower-priority patient - Fixed objects allowed to be picked up from the areas outside of hospital property - Fixed one case of procedure reservation state not correctly displayed for hospitalized patients - Fixed doctors walking to wrong position if they started an examination while still in the examination room with previous patient and the next patient was being delivered there - Fixed a rare internal error after deleting rooms where a procedure was currently being performed - Fixed a rare internal error after deleting beds while a nurse was performing the patient care procedure - Fixed a rare internal error after deleting anesthesiology machine while a patient was on the way to trauma center to be stabilized - Fixed a rare case of medicine delivery stuck running the whole afternoon - Fixed a rare case of patients stuck in 'being checked by a nurse' while the nurse has been freed already - Fixed eye test patient animation (gloves were automatically added to all examination animations, but this one is not played by a doctor) - Fixed a couple of procedures not allowed in specific situations (liver medication on ICU, chest auscultation for patients hospitalized at general surgery) - Fixed 'couldn't wash hands' modifier reset too late - Fixed objects assigned as night shift workspaces not allowed to be deleted in closed departments - Increased time technologists spend idle at their desk before running to common room. Project Hospital receives its first patch! : Hi all! First, big thanks to everybody playing the game and especially to all of you who reported issues. It's really appreciated, as we're trying to fix as many of them as soon as possible. Here are release notes for our first patch: Patch 1 - Project Hospital 1.0.14263 - Attempted fix for controller input breaking camera controls - Fixed a rare error occurring when exiting to menu - Fixed automatic UI scale for 1440x900 - Fixed doctors stuck when switching doctor of a patient by hand - Fixed characters forced to walk on grass in big sandbox - Fixed controls stuck when closing hospital management card while naming the hospital - Set music to always loop - Small fixes in medical database and texts. Project Hospital - Patch 13 : And we were expecting this patch to be just a few quick fixes. :) Patch 13 - Project Hospital 1.0.15215 - Added new translations: Polish and Hungarian, made the language list in options scrollable - Implemented skipping of procedures that have been waiting for a long time, added specific info about what a procedure is waiting for - Improved workload tracking, implemented room workload display as text, implemented workload tracking for labs - Added a summary of workload shown after every shift - Improved priorities of surgeries between patients - Implemented smooth fadeout of patients on stretchers in elevators - Implemented automatic hiding of objects when placing walls - Implemented a notification about employees without any allowed roles - Implemented specific handling and notifications about patients in broken beds (for example with a deleted bedside cabinet) - Implemented reset of roles and a switch of clothing style when assigning employees to workspaces in a different type of room - Implemented deleting saved games from the load game dialog - Patient portraits are also shown on reserved operating tables in management - Staff prefer staff-only rooms if available (like wc) - Characters with stretchers strongly prefer indoor routes even when the route is longer - Increased default staff limit to 250 (we'll need to update the recommended hardware requirements to match, but no major change) - Increased overall sound volume - A few small UI improvements - Fixed a regression: deletion of user-created prefabs wasn't working - Fixed scrolling not working on certain touchpads - Fixed bulldozing objects sometimes leaving one half behind - Fixed interns allowed in on-call rooms - Fixed patients not hidden when reserving an ambulance - Fixed first treatment in treatment sequence shown in diagnosis table instead of main symptom treatment - Fixed chief doctor UI incorrectly shown at radiology - Fixed neurologist (technologist) not correctly shown in the management UI - Fixed defibrillation sometimes running for too long - Fixed certain characters not reacting immediately to being assigned to a different department - Fixed first ambulance patients sometimes spawning one day too late - Fixed patients in a deleted waiting room sometimes stuck standing up and sitting down for a while - Fixed one more case of technologists in lab stuck - Fixed re-setup of patients coming back after wrong diagnosis but by an ambulance - Fixed floor material not automatically added to the floor above when adding foundations on ground floor of a multi-floor building - Fixed a bug in rendering when blood was turned off - Fixed decals not accessible when building mode was activated for the first time by clicking rooms in management - Fixed radiology examinations not planned to discover surgery complication symptoms - Fixed a couple of database issues (treatments at ICU etc.). Project Hospital Project Hospital 1.1 is out! : We're happy to announce Project Hospital 1.1, a major update with some of the most requested features, user experience improvements and Workshop support! This update contains roughly four months of work, already in production during the last two patches - because of the nature of the new features and content it made sense to test and balance everything together. We really hope you enjoy the new version and we're looking forward to what you come up with for the workshop! So, thanks for your patience, let's move to the release notes :) Project Hospital 1.1.16207. Project Hospital - Patch 12 : Hi all, while we're working on some bigger UI improvements (we'll be soon sending new texts to translators so we can get everything ready in as many languages as possible), we're of course also paying attention to the reported issues, so here are a few fixes as usually. Patch 12 - Project Hospital 1.0.14958 - Updated all translations to the latest version from github - Disabled locking of areas on above the ground floors (building above ambulance parking lot is now possible) - Disabled 'good boss' perk for other occupations than doctors - Implemented receptionist perks affecting patients - Improved workload tracking for radiology rooms and examination units - Allowed examinations that discover surgery complications to be planned in patient's card even when already done previously - Allowed nurses with stretchers to ignore objects if they get stuck - Fixed events not available in campaign levels - Fixed janitors ignoring blood when cleaning areas of other departments - Fixed patients on ICU sometimes re-transported to their own bed for examination - Fixed moved objects in building mode disappearing when switching to different categories while already moving an object - Fixed preview of attachment object stuck on when placing composite objects in case the previous object with attachment was deleted during move - Fixed a rare case of nurses stuck going to stretcher - Fixed changing of department possible when it shouldn't be allowed (in case player opened the department selection panel already, for example right before patient transport) - Fixed dead and misdiagnosed patients counted only in department statistics, not overall hospital statistics - Fixed various issues in the medical database (skill for ethanol doses, rooms for chelation therapy, bacteremia discovery, too hardcore collapse timers on cardiac arrest symptoms, unstable blood pressure moved to high hazard, a few treatments were not allowed on ICU, .) - Fixed a couple of cases of broken stretchers stuck in the scene - Fixed a couple of hidden errors - Fixed a few typos in tooltips. One more patch for the weekend! : Patch 3 - Project Hospital 1.0.14303 - Fixed some values in options not saved (most importantly UI scale) - Fixed one case of pathfinding stuck trying to use an inaccessible elevator - Fixed a rare case of ambulances stuck in fastest time scale - Fixed a rare case of patients stuck in a fired doctor's office - Fixed technologists in lab on occasion stuck using sink forever - Fixed a few min room sizes - Fixed antidepressants not allowed to be prescribed for patients on observation - Fixed MRI and CT allowed right next to a wall - Fixed MRI price - A few small changes to decrease difficulty in tutorial 3 - Small fixes in texts. Project Hospital - Patch 6 : Patch 6 - Project Hospital 1.0.14523 - Selecting ICU treatment automatically switches patient's department to ICU - Doctors prescribe more treatments for symptoms causing discomfort - Implemented new music track for events and critical situations - Implemented immediate transport by the same ambulance when sending away patients who just arrived and are waiting for a free trauma center - Simplified some steps in tutorial 3, fixed undesired collapses during the tutorial - Improved a lot of text boxes and tooltips to better support localization and longer texts - Removed unused message types from options - Fixed main treatment for a diagnosis sometimes not applied for patients with wrong diagnosis - Fixed looping sounds sometimes not paused with the game (for example when popups pause the game) - Fixed hidden patients shown in patient's table with some filters - Fixed shifts not shown for janitors in table of employees - Fixed sofas stuck reserved when deleting doors while a character is already walking to the sofa - Fixed a few specific errors causing characters getting stuck while deleting rooms during collapses or medicine and food delivery - Fixed patients stuck when their room got deleted right when they were about to be released - Fixed a couple more hidden errors (Next week) - More languages including Russian are expected to be included in next week's patch. Project Hospital - Patch 9 : A quick patch mostly to quickly address the ambulance placement issue in a few scenarios that got introduced in patch 8. Patch 9 - Project Hospital 1.0.14725 - Fixed regression bug preventing ambulances to be placed in certain levels - Fixed cancelling of objects move would place the object back on incorrect floor - Fixed a rare hidden error in events - Optimized janitor behavior and room selection. Project Hospital - Patch 7 : Patch 7 - Project Hospital 1.0.14611 - More translations are now included: Russian, Turkish, Ukrainian - Implemented moving of tables with equipment on top, [CTRL] can be used to pick up individual objects like before - Added more info to reserved staff and staff performing examinations and treatments - Added room name to status bar when hovering over rooms in management mode - Split messages about patients waiting for examination/treatment into 'waiting for bed' and 'waiting for transport' - Switched autosave to only alternate between two files - Disabled reset of employee roles if their room/office got deleted - Disabled display of daily schedule items related to hospitalization when there's only clinic - Allowed staff without a workspace to go home after a while instead of spending the whole shift in common room - Switched second half of tutorial 3 to a simplified version - Fixed nurses and technologists not getting a specialization when leveling up - Fixed janitors sometimes blocking equipment in exam rooms by leaving their carts right next to an object - Fixed placement of objects allowed even if a required slot on a neighboring tile wasn't accessible (for example exam table and dialysis machine) - Fixed a couple of specific cases of characters stuck (collapses, fired staff, deleted rooms) - Fixed missing lab analyzer in general surgery unit prefab - Fixed ICU not triggered correctly during collapse if the player has also prescribed it - Fixed a few issues with examinations and treatments (vasolidators and bandage not available at the ICU, palpitations not discoverable at the ICU; treatments for injury to he chest, injury to the collarbone, mandibular injury) - More minor UI/hidden error fixes
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