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Citadel 1986 Password

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About This Game

The Citadel. Built in 1986 by a lunatic and left undiscovered, decomposing for 30 long years. You are its first victim.

Avoid the broken down, animatronic cr 5d3b920ae0

Title: Citadel 1986
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie
George Allan
Clockwork Pixels Ltd
Release Date: 17 Aug, 2016


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Son of Blagger with humour, love it! :). I bought this game because I saw George Allan's name on it - for me, I knew his name from Venus the Flytrap and his PD Game CHROME from the Amiga days. It's a simple platformer; you can move and jump, each room has 5 keys to retrieve before going through the exit to the next room. The entire layout is set in one level across multiple rooms that loop back and fourth through and past each other in a neat, clever little way. My first time round to complete took about 2hrs, 16mins with 156 deaths. the 2nd was 1hr 7mins with 107 deaths. Once you complete it the first time, there will be a nagging sensation to come back and do it again - not necessarily to break your record but {no spoilers} for something that happens near the end which will bring you back at least once. in saying that, I still need to go around a third time. Thanks George. I think the price tag is easily worth paying - it especially has a nostalgic touch to it - not just because of the 80s enemies but something about it feels like I should have this on a 3.5" Floppy, attached an Amiga Power Magazine.. This game is absolutely worth your money! It's funny, challenging, and all around a good time! :). reminds me of MS DOS games, pretty good challenge, looks pretty good as well can't go wrong for the price if you like quirky platformers. there is no attack button. there is no duck button. there is only jump, and you must collect the five keys in each section to progress. you are greeted by a pc monitor that created wherever your hero is in.. Quick Look: https://youtu.be/YTWWrcwv0Ug Citadel 1987 brings back memories of Commander Keen. Tight platforming where you take on common household items and food to collect keys. Get 5 keys and you can advance through the door to the next area. At Citadel's cheap price point it's really hard to go wrong. It's clear a lot of care and attention was put into this title. The levels are well thought out, a charming little background story and plenty of new obstacles to tackle.. This game is absolutely worth your money! It's funny, challenging, and all around a good time! :). I bought this game because I saw George Allan's name on it - for me, I knew his name from Venus the Flytrap and his PD Game CHROME from the Amiga days. It's a simple platformer; you can move and jump, each room has 5 keys to retrieve before going through the exit to the next room. The entire layout is set in one level across multiple rooms that loop back and fourth through and past each other in a neat, clever little way. My first time round to complete took about 2hrs, 16mins with 156 deaths. the 2nd was 1hr 7mins with 107 deaths. Once you complete it the first time, there will be a nagging sensation to come back and do it again - not necessarily to break your record but {no spoilers} for something that happens near the end which will bring you back at least once. in saying that, I still need to go around a third time. Thanks George. I think the price tag is easily worth paying - it especially has a nostalgic touch to it - not just because of the 80s enemies but something about it feels like I should have this on a 3.5" Floppy, attached an Amiga Power Magazine.

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