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Chocolate Makes You Happy 2 Download Without License Key

Chocolate Makes You Happy 2 Download Without License Key

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About This Game

Casual colorful physical puzzle with sweets and explosions.
The goal of the player is to keep the cookies on the chocolate bar for some time to pass the level.

In Chocolate makes you happy 2:
- 50 levels
- Explosions
- Jumpers
- Teleports
- Cool Soundtrack
- Sweets
- Colorful art
- Achievements


Title: Chocolate makes you happy 2
Genre: Casual, Indie
Blender Games
Blender Games
Chocolate makes you happy
Release Date: 18 Dec, 2017

English,French,Italian,German,Arabic,Bulgarian,Hungarian,Vietnamese,Greek,Danish,Traditional Chinese,Simplified Chinese,Korean,Dutch,Norwegian,Polish,Portuguese,Romanian,Russian,Thai,Turkish,Ukrainian

chocolate makes you happy 2

very good and relaxing game, achievements work, small price, so all in one 10\/10

Weekend patch notes 1.5.0:
Weekend patch of Balance released!

  • Self-made projects rewards increased
  • Scaling of offers in late game is balanced
  • The process of generating bugs during development was redone
  • Public Relations actions don’t spam with CVs and offers

What’s new?. Fresh Patch Release Notes 18.11:
We just released a fresh patch with the first reports and suggestions from the community included!

What's in it:

  • Reward of your own projects are now showing correct numbers.
  • Employees now go to vacations and can be fired (bug fixed thanks to testers!)
  • If you got NaN money by accepting a buggy project - you should now have your money back to normal. We're still in progress of fixing those NaN projects, but in a day or two I think it'll be away forever.
  • Spacebar pauses/unpauses the game.
  • Office logic improved.

The next patch is passing its tests now to be released soon!

Stay tuned!. Patch Notes 1.4.9:
Remember those traits that each employee has? Projects got them too! Some of the projects are poorly marketed and slightly affect your company’s popularity. Some projects are just poorly financed, but your employees are happier doing it. Lots of variability in terms of fitting projects and the team.

  • Save logic is removed. 1 slot = 1 walkthrough. You can’t save the game before the tough decision. Sorry, that’s life.
  • Notifications about crucial situations in the company will pop up. For now they mostly inform about the lack of money.
  • Names of the employees are generated basing on the ethnicity of the one.
  • New office logic. In order to move to a bigger office space, you need to pay its costs immediately. The smallest office doesn’t get downgraded if the company has no money to afford it. Instead, its upkeep cost is subtracted from the current amount of money, which results in negative money amount (bad sign for the company).

Huge and small bugs fixed:. Balance Patch 1.8.1:
A few more balance fixes from us to add to the previous patch:. Soundtrack release 1.3.0:
Go to IT soundtracks are now integrated in the game!. New Year Patch Notes:
Holidays? Nah, check out what we’ve done with this year’s last release! We focused on own projects and performance.

Own projects are now long-term. After their release, they continue to float on the market and generate revenue.
We also optimized the exchange’s performance and overall performance of the game. Hope for your feedback on that one specifically!

And to not over the party, we brought a couple of bug fixes:
  • Game saves now autosaving frequently. There should be no situation when you load the save and get thrown back in time
  • Salary raise works properly adding 10% of existing salary to employee’s check
  • Doubled platforms in own project platform selection are gone
  • Employees assignment on own project creation fixed

We wish you a lot of new accomplishments in 2019. Plenty of updates on Go to IT coming up in the new year. So see you there.
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