Some may decide to give Easy Proxy a shot because it’s relatively cheap and has a relatively small learning curve, but as we have seen, it leaves much to be desired.
Easy Remote Phone is a software program developed by Easy Phone Service.
The most popular version is 1.5, released in 2009.
Despite the version number, the most recent update to the program was released in 2017.
It installs about 995 files and is usually about 1.33 MB 66cf4387b8
David Vilá is responsible for this application.
He is also the author of Simple Double Pendulum (double pendulum article) and this page is dedicated to this application.
Advantages of Double Pendulum
Very simple to install. You don’t need much arithmetic. Not necessary to understand differential equations.
The balance of masses is always located at the center of the mass of the rods. The last movement of these rods is always toward the fixed rod
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