
La Tramontane - Ferienhaus direkt am Meer

Hello everyone. I became interested in Africa and its nature.I will tell you that this is a very beautiful and bright continent. I'm currently exploring the border cave.

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Kommentar von JaneWane am 17. September 2022 um 5:51pm

I also read about the border pechechra in the Lebombo Mountains. This is a well-known place in Africa and among historians, because it was there that some of the oldest human remains and various artifacts were found, which are approximately 44,000 years old. There you can see traces of man's exposure to fire and stone. Border Cave in South Africa is open to guided tourists https://keckcaves.org/border-cave-south-africa/ .

Kommentar von Zavylon am 17. September 2022 um 4:26pm

Africa has always been so far away from me, but it also attracted me with its landscapes and a variety of plants and animals. I'll also hear about caves.

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