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Avencast: Rise Of The Mage Torrent Download [Patch]

Avencast: Rise Of The Mage Torrent Download [Patch]

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About This Game

In a world of wizardry, wonder and untold mystery, you must undertake some of the most diverse quests to hone your skills in spell casting, weaponry and melee combat. Your martial skills are soon put to the test as demonic monsters descend upon Avencast, turning the academy into a state of chaos and destruction.

Armed with countless combat moves and spells, and a vast arsenal of equipment you must uncover the source of this evil by vanquishing an onslaught of enemies. Treachery and deceit reveal themselves as the vicious army threatens Avencast’s very existence. Amidst the mayhem, an astonishing truth unfolds which will forever change the battle scarred Wizard. 6d5b4406ea

Title: Avencast: Rise of the Mage
Genre: Action, Indie, RPG
ClockStone Studios
Release Date: 17 Mar, 2010


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Action RPG starring a mage from Avencast Academy

+ Many skills to choose from (Melee, Ranged and Summoning)
+ Good spell casting mechanics and combat
+ Upgrade your character stats and skills
+ Fairly long game
+ Many side quests

- Voice acting
- Cheesy story

Recomended game for the RPG fans.. The combat controls are extremely clunky - the aiming reticle freezes in place during an attack, which, during combat, makes it extremely difficult to quickly move to a different target during combat (or to manuever around an attack). The camera frequently gets "stuck", be it at an angle other than behind the player or right up behind the player's head, forcing you to pause the game, go into options, reset the camera, and then resume gameplay.. I got this game with the bundle and didn't have very high expectations. Between the primitive and lacking customization that only seems to be there as an excuse to avoid designing an interesting protagonist, the clunky UI, the very slow start, the lame lines and the ultra-generic setting it just didn't grab me at all. Fluff oriented players should definitely avoid.... A surprisingly tight, well-made, and fun action RPG/Diablo clone. I bought this on a whim and was very pleasantly surprised. Though it has lower production values, the draw of the loot-driven, leveling greats like Titan Quest and Diablo is definitely here.. After playing this game for several hours, I hereby declare it the most frustrating gaming experience of a whole year. Congratulations, Avencast, you did it! Not only because it lacks any character customisation and only a few (2 with some variations) possible ways of development. Nooo, I award the game this honourable title solely becaus of its fighting mechanics. An idea of pressing movement keys in different combinations for different attack moves is far from being new, and usually it makes fights more intence and enjoyable. But not when half of the time key combos simply doesn't work! I have played Gothic, I have played Blade and Sword - and that was fun. Avencast.. well, not so much. Maybe it wants me to develop a perfect reaction, instead of just a good one, but I think, I'd rather uninstall it.. It's pretty cool, once you get around its awkward controls.. this game sucks, hate that i bought it. oh well. At first, it can be boring but when you adapt yourself the game's combat system it becomes a challanging fun game. And blood mage(melee mage) system is great. I opened all blood mage skills and put all my attributes on blood magic. I was dying easily but it feels like i'm playing a hack&slash game like Devil May Cry. Story was meh. It's definitely worth price on sale. I recommend this game if bad graphics doesn't bother you.

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