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Armitage III: Polymatrix Full Movie Kickass Torrent

Armitage III: Polymatrix Full Movie Kickass Torrent ->->->-> DOWNLOAD (Mirror #1)

Original Title: Armitage III: Polymatrix

Genge: Animation,Action,Sci-Fi,Thriller
















































A policeman, Ross Sylibus, is assigned to a unit on a Martian colony, to find that women are being murdered by a psychotic named D'anclaude. He is assigned a very unorthodox partner named Naomi Armitage, who seems to have links to the victims. To stir things up more, every victim is found to be an illegally made third-generation android, built to be almost perfect replications of humans. It becomes a race against time when the government attempts to cover up the existence of the 'Third Types', and eliminate the only ones with the evidence. And even more importantly, why are the Thirds created to be so similar to humans, even to the extent of being indistinguishable from them on every level, mentally and biologically?
Short n Sweet.

I've seen both, watch the OVA series back when my video store had them on tape, recently saw the re-release in the cut to crap movie version PolyMatrix.

I don't mind anime being converted to subs and dubs and whatever, its just when they decide to either do a cheap job on it OR more importantly, decide they need to edit the show and dumb it down!

As someone else mentioned, character holes make them shallow and don't let you get to know them in the short time. Kiefer Sutherland does a crap job playing Ross Sylibus as he comes across as if hes just reading lines from a script instead of conveying emotion into his words, which just makes it worse to get to know the character.

I was so disappointed with PolyMatrix, I returned the DVD, and went on a witch hunt till i found the OVA episodes on DVD.

I'm so glad they didn't use kiefer in Dual Matrix. Armitage is, dare I might say, one of the best anime ever. It covers a number of well-tred themes that anime seems to thrive on such as technical advancement, robots that seem human, humanity spread beyond the grasp of its home planet, and more. It's not the use of these topics that make the movie unique, but how the movie deals with them. Armitage has one of the best -plots- in an anime, people behave like people, not like one dimensional characters (a problem rampant in anime). Naomi Armitage, who first appears to be yet another scantly clad lead female character, instead proves herself to be a truly deep and meaningful character. It is this aspect (the extraordinary plot) which makes the movie such an experience to watch, the animation isn't as great as say, Ghost in the Shell, but this anime the way it was meant to be, a cohesive body of beautiful music, plot, and animation aimed towards a singular goal. As a friend told me once, "Anime should be an experience, it shouldn't go where you can go with simple live-action." Armitage III is an experience.

Very successful video production "ARMITAGE III" was originally released as a four-part OVA series. The series was heavily cut and edited for the later theatrical release. But there were also other reshot scenes added, which are only seen in the theatrical version.
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Seitenaufrufe: 5


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