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Chi in Italia e in Europa si straccia le vesti per i civili di Idlib, profetizza nuovi attacchi chimici per mano del regime ed invoca la necessità di fermare l’imminente offensiva governativa ...
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Freden i Kiel 1814 The name 'al-Qaeda' was established a long time ago by mere chance. The late Abu Ebeida El-Banashiri established the training camps for our mujahedeen against Russia's terrorism. We used to call the training camp al-Qaeda. The name stayed. El nombre de …
Troldepus ved vintertid Al-Qaeda i Europa Lorenzo Vivino Læs online ebog Al Qaida, vaak ook getranscribeerd als Al-Kaida of Al Qaeda (القاعدة in het Arabisch (al-Qā‘idah), letterlijk de basis), is een moslimfundamentalistische paramilitaire beweging die door velen wordt beschouwd als een terroristische organisatie. Al Qaida opereert meer als een netwerk dan als een organisatie. De organisatie voert zelf terroristische aanslagen uit, maar verleent ook ... On Tuesday 18 June, the Spanish National Police (Policia Nacional) disrupted a criminal organisation which was financing Al Qaeda terrorist militias. The complex operation was carried out in the Spanish cities of Madrid, Valencia and Toledo. Ten individuals were arrested, and 14 house and premises searches were carried out, involving more than 350 police officers. África, uma "vítima involuntária" Apesar do ataque não se dirigir a africanos, a África Oriental tornou-se o cenário do primeiro atentado da Al-Qaeda em que morreram centenas de civis. Al-Qaeda i Europa pdf Hent ebook Lorenzo Vivino
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Adelskapets lockelse «The name 'al-Qaeda' was established a long time ago by mere chance. The late Abu Ubaidah al-Banshiri established the training camps for our mujahedeen against Russia's terrorism. We used to call the training camp al-Qaeda. The name stayed. » (IT) «Il … Schreibweise und Aussprache. Bisher ist im Deutschen keine einheitliche Schreibung des Namens zu beobachten. Der Duden verzeichnet die Schreibungen Al Kaida und al-Qaida, verweist jedoch auf den Haupteintrag El Kaida.In der deutschsprachigen Presse finden sich weitere Schreibungen, wie etwa Al-Kaida, al-Kaida oder al-Qaeda (so auch häufig in den US-Medien).
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