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100% Orange Juice - Acceleration Pack Activation Code [Crack Serial Key

100% Orange Juice - Acceleration Pack Activation Code [Crack Serial Key

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Acceleration Pack includes 12 new game cards (4 rare, 4 uncommon, 4 common) designed by Junpyon and Hono of Orange Juice. Includes 2 cards of a new card type: Gift, granting exciting boosts or penalties to players.

The cards of the set can be purchased from the in-game shop and used in both single and multiplayer. All cards in a multiplayer game can be used by all players via the center deck, even if they do not own the DLC. 7aa9394dea

Title: 100% Orange Juice - Acceleration Pack
Genre: Indie, Strategy
Fruitbat Factory
Orange Juice
Release Date: 17 Oct, 2016

English,Japanese,Simplified Chinese

Accel Hyper will turn your bullied character into a bully.. Kaiba: Draw your last pathetic card so I can end this, Yugi!

Yami Yugi: My Grandpa's deck has no pathetic cards, Kaiba. But it does contain... the unstoppable \uff21\uff23\uff23\uff25\uff2c\u3000\uff28\uff39\uff30\uff25\uff32!

Kaiba: Aaaaargh! Impossible!. Personally I think this should be a free update. Splitting the player base with different cards is not cool. It is however more cards and it does give some variation to the game so buying it on sale could be worth it if you like the game to start with.. Another reasonably priced DLC that is tons of fun!
Adds a lot more variety, randomness, and tactics to the game, worth every penny.. Extensions and Present Thief, and Star-blasting Light oh my! The Acceleration pack has one of the most dangerous Battle cards and chaotic event cards. Acceleration and Extension are the battle cards that I\u2019m looking at when I say this; The former lets the user roll 2-dices for ATT, and Extension plays a random battle card for the user (high risk). Need I say more?

For the event cards, Scramble eve, and Star-Blasting Light is a good way to anger other players, since the first card is a basic \u201cScrew you!\u201d to those who have Hypers or other strong cards in their hand. Star-blasting Light is karma for Trap card spammers like Yuki [Dangerous], Tequila and Krila\u2019s Hypers. Both trap cards in the pack are also focused on the discard of cards. Boost Cards and Windy Enchantment are meh, but the Unlucky Charm Gift card can be a \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665 to get rid of entirely from a game. I\u2019d definitely recommend OJ players to purchase this DLC, especially for the sick Battle cards and Event cards!. An excellent addition of new cards.

Somewhat geared towards battle characters, as some of the effects target the special abilities of others, such as Aru and QP-dan.. It has Play of the Gods.. I didn't realize how useful this was until I noticed almost every single deck I make is at least 50% this DLC.
So yes, definitely get it.. Kaiba: Draw your last pathetic card so I can end this, Yugi!

Yami Yugi: My Grandpa's deck has no pathetic cards, Kaiba. But it does contain... the unstoppable \uff21\uff23\uff23\uff25\uff2c\u3000\uff28\uff39\uff30\uff25\uff32!

Kaiba: Aaaaargh! Impossible!. Personally I think this should be a free update. Splitting the player base with different cards is not cool. It is however more cards and it does give some variation to the game so buying it on sale could be worth it if you like the game to start with.

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