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Sutter p-87 puller manual
















Using the Pipette Cookbook with a P-87 or a P-80/PC To adapt the P-97/P-1000 Pipette Cookbook programs to an earlier model Sutter Micropipette Puller, including the P-87 and P-80/PC, please do the following: ! If you have a P- 87, reduce the heat setting listed in the chart by 5-10 units. The power available to The Model P-97 micropipette puller is the latest generation of the Flaming/Brown type puller for fabrication of micropipettes, patch pipettes and microinjection needles. While retaining many of the features on the Model P-87, the P-97 offers improvements in mechanical, electronic and software design. The P-97 Flaming/Brown type micropipette puller is ideal for fabricating micropipettes, patch pipettes and microinjection needles. It combines a proven mechanical system with a sophisticated, programmable microprocessor controller offering precise control of the pulling process and a higher degree of reproducibility. The Sutter P-87 Flaming/Brown micropipette puller can fabricate pipettes for use in intracellular recording, patch-clamping, microinjection and microperfusion. The P-87 features the patented "velocity sensing" puller mechanism which allows the system to indirectly sense the viscosity of the glass, giving the P-87 the ability to pull OPERATION MANUAL rev. 2.0/081100 P-2000 Micropipette Puller Manufactured by Sutter Instrument Company 51 Digital Drive Novato, CA 94949 U.S.A. P-1000 Flaming/Brown type micropipette puller, manual, $ 7,950 hard copy of Sutter Pipette Cookbook. Each puller comes with an assortment of 4 ?laments and a sample box of BF100-50-10, BF150-110-10, and BF150-86-10 glass. Sutter info(^sutter.coin. What's new on the P-97? For users familiar with the P-80PC and/or P-87 pullers, the P-97 provides the advanced features incorporated into those instruments plus: Humidity controlled chamber surrounding the heating filament. Glass is now pulled in a constant humidity environment to minimize environmental effects on pipette

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