La Tramontane - Ferienhaus direkt am Meer
Service on Mercruiser 3.0L Alpha 1 Run the engine up to temperature Check operation of thermostat Check for water/oil/fuel/exhaust leakage around the engine and transmission Check idle RPM Check air ?lter Check for abnormal engine/transmission sounds Check operation of emergency lanyard Check all instrument panel functions Change spark plugs Download a copy of a repair manual for your MerCruiser straight to your computer in seconds—fix you engine or sterndrive now. A downloadable MerCruiser repair manual is a digitally delivered book of instructions that guides the mechanic in the proper procedures for maintenance, service, overhaul and troubleshooting of components (e.g engine, electrical, drives, cooling, exhaust, fuel system TABLE OF CONTENTS Gearcase (Lower) Section 3 Thermostats & Water Pumps Section 6 Anodes Section 5 Drive Shaft Housing (Upper) Section 2 Transom & Power Trim Section 4 At wide open throttle, between 4,400 and 4,800 rpm, Mercruiser's 1,040-pound 3.0 liter engine produces 135 horsepower. According to Mercury Marine, the engine is a good fit for runabouts up to 19 feet, pontoon boats and fishing boats. How to Remove Your Mercruiser Alpha One Sterndrive. Removing your drive is not as hard as you might think. The sterndrive should be removed for service every season. Read your owners manual. Give some thought as to what you're going to do And to make it official, they back it the same way. With the same Mercruiser one-year limited factory warranty. We are proud to offer these factory remanufactured engines. For more information or to place your order, call 1-800-562-2742 and ask to speak to a marine engine technician. Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice 1985-1989 MerCruiser Repair Manual 4 Cylinder (additional 85-89 4 cyl models above) 1988-1998 MerCruiser Repair Manual Bravo Sterndrives. 1989-1992 MerCruiser Repair Manual V8 Engines. 1990-1997 MerCruiser Repair Manual 3.0L/3.0LX. 1991-2001 MerCruise
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