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A series of tutorials explaining how Objective-C works Nginx has the best performance in this case and it provides the best performance. Nginx is a fast web server which supports routing, static content etc., in an objectively faster time to provide the greater user experience. NGINX 101 Now with more Docker . Core NGINX functionality includes HTTP request, proxy and caching services which process /usr/sbin/nginx -c /etc/nginx/nginx.conf nginx 2974 1991 0 08:22 ? 00:00:00 nginx: worker process nginx 2975 1991 0 08:22 ? What is a good tutorial on Nginx source code for beginners? Update Cancel a BtIY d MnQ uMUu b oqL y dj tAqF D gBmh i MzGx g vE i wfOLj t Co a RMC l mV O gYDWY c JXxU e FRtZV a gcNW n vKYjw The Beginner's Guide to Objective-C: Language and Variables — A beginner's Objective-C tutorial from Treehouse. Try Objective-C — A free, five-part class on Objective-C from Code School. Learn Objective-C in 24 Days — A massive, 24-part course on Objective-C, from Feifan Zhou. Demonstrates how to build a live broadcast app(Swift 3) - ltebean/Live Objective-C ii About the Tutorial Objective-C is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language that adds Smalltalk-style messaging to the C programming language. This is the main programming language used by Apple for the OS X and iOS operating systems and their respective APIs, Cocoa and Cocoa Touch. Learning Objective-C : A Primer That is a very short overview of the language with a few examples but at the end of that page there is a link to a more thorough tutorial. share | improve this answer Deploying a Web App, Redis, Postgres and Nginx with Docker. 2015-05-29. This tutorial introduces how to deploy a web app, Redis, Postgres and Nginx with Docker on the same server. In this tutorial, the web app is a node.js(express) app. We use Redis as a cache store, Postgres as the database, and Nginx as the reverse proxy server. Build Live Video Streaming Server use Ffmpeg Nginx Rtmp Module & Nodejs - tabvn/video-streaming-service Objective-C 0.5%; CSS 0.4%; JavaScript Swift Python HTML Downloading Want to be notified of new releases in tabvn/video-streaming-service? Sign in Sign up. Launching GitHub Desktop Learn Nginx: Browse best online Nginx courses, tutorials, ebooks, videos, getting started tutorials for beginners and expert that is recommended by the Nginx experts. Objective C Interview Questions Cocoa Touch Interview Questions IONIC Interview Questions Cordova Interview Questions Follow Here is a list of all of my Objective C tutorials. Thanks for checking them out and don't forget to subscribe for all the latest videos. Here is a list of all of my Objective C tutorials. Thanks for checking them out and don't forget to subscribe for all the latest videos. Course Transcript. Objective-C is one of the older languages on the list. Invented in the early 80s as an object oriented version of C, it really is the C language with some extra stuff added to it. Objective-C Tutorial. Introduction Objective-C is a superset of C programming language, which makes Objective-C: Programming fundamentals. To write an Objective-C program, it requires basic knowledge of Objective-C: Xcode Programming.

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