La Tramontane - Ferienhaus direkt am Meer The Harris Falcon III AN/PRC-158 delivers dual-channel connectivity across the full 30-2500 MHz frequency range. Compact and lightweight, the MCMP provides forward-deployed warfighters with an unrivaled level of tactical communications flexibility. TADIRAN PRC-710. A powerful, light-weight, full military VHF/FM voice and data COMSEC/ECCM hand-held radio, the TADIRAN PRC-710 is designed and developed to meet the growing demand for a small, lightweight, yet full-featured hand-held radio. Tactical Radio Products FALCON Series AN/PRC-138 Manpack The rotary mode switch allows easy mode selection. Panic Zeroize position erases your FALCON Series system directly to fax machines, PCs, teletypes and cryptographic devices. Radio Set AN/PRC-112. Using a predetermined Survivor ID Code, the AN/ARS-6(V) is designed to selectively locate and home-on a particular The AN/PRC-112 Radio Set functions as a survival radio/transponder which receives an interrogation on an assigned UHF frequency Este equipo portatil de comunicaciones es integrante de la FAMILIA HF 2000, y emplea el receptor transmisor basico RT 2001, la cual incluye los medios de HF producidos por la fabrica TADIRAN de Israel, Este es un equipo de radio receptor/transmisor portatil, de alta frecuencia. PRC-930HDR VRC-950HDR Dependable communication forms the backbone of any military operation and is a critical component of mission GPS+AGPSR* Including radio position transmission (automatic/manual) Comm. Controller* STANAG 4XXX Environmental Operating Temperature -40°C to +65°C Harris AN/PRC-163 Multi-channel Handheld Radio. Harris Falcon III® AN/PRC-117G(V)1(C) Multiband Networking Manpack Radio. Harris Falcon III® AN/PRC-152A Wideband Networking Handheld Radio. Harris Falcon III® AN/PRC-158 Multi-channel Manpack. The only difference in external appearance between the PRC-25 and PRC-77 is the stick on label. If the label has been removed or beaten up to the point it can no longer be r
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