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Dragon age 2 mage companion guide

In this Character Creation Guide to Dragon Age 2, you will find useful information on the character classes and on the different powerful builds you can play. We will also outline the different strategies and the powerful spell or skills combinations when unleashing hell on your enemies.
















Find out the best tips and tricks for unlocking all the achievements for Dragon Age 2 in the most comprehensive achievement guide on the internet. Friendship/Rivalry guide? Dragon Age II PC . Macintosh PlayStation 3 Xbox 360. FAQs. Answers. Board. More. Home. Summary; Is it possible to make every companion your friend instead of your rival? I'm playing as mage with most of my dialogue choices leaning to diplomatic and helpful (blue and Shepherding Wolves - p. 2 Dragon Age II Guide. 0. As you have probably noticed, he's able to buff his companions, so it's rather important that he dies fast. Dragon Age II Game Guide is also available in our Mobile App. FREE IOS APP. Game Guides & Walkthroughs. Free Mobile App for you. I'm starting Dragon Age 2 for the first time, and I already know I want to be a Force/Spirit Healer, though not sure what specific "path" yet in terms of skill trees. Nightmare play without Anders is damn tough unless Hawke is a mage too and even then Anders is nice to have along Neoseeker Forums » PS3 Games » Dragon Age II » re: Best Companion to have There are no Companion Quests that are not covered in the main guide with the exception of 'Questioning Beliefs' and the gift quests. The former is started once you gain high enough approval rating in either direction. - diversified companion - dragon age 2 all dlc What do you get from this mod ?? 1. you will get a set of items for each of your companions that are distinguished from their iconic colors. a set of items consists of helmet (optional), gloves, boots, weapons, chest plate and accessories with enhanced properties. However, do note that you should decide whether or not you want to go offe

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